Gujarat's Chief Minister, Bhupendra Patel, has approved a significant budget of Rs 1,000.86 crore to improve urban facilities across 17 municipalities, including 7 Municipal Corporations and various other urban areas. This initiative is part of the Swarnim Jayanti Mukhyamantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana, a scheme launched in 2010 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address urbanization challenges.
Under the Mukhyamantri Shaheri Sadak Yojana, Rs 141.37 crore has been allocated for road repairs and construction, including Rs 7.75 crore for Mundra-Borai Municipality. Other significant allocations include Rs 25 crore for Junagadh Municipal Corporation and Rs 54.88 crore for Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation.
The funds will support various projects such as paver block installations, sewerage connections, and water pipelines. Rs 1.60 crore is designated for Vadodara and Gandhinagar, while Rs 34.78 crore is for 'B', 'C', and 'D' class municipalities.
Rs 148.11 crore is set aside for CC roads, street lights, and water pipelines in outgrowth areas. The initiative also includes Rs 611.39 crore for infrastructure like roads, gardens, and drainage systems. Notable projects include Rs 36.27 crore for stormwater lines in Ahmedabad and Rs 51.72 crore for Vadodara's sewerage project.
Funds are also allocated for projects enhancing city identities, such as heritage sites and amusement parks, with Rs 4 crore for a garden in Thara Municipality. Since 2010, the scheme has received Rs 61,977 crore, supporting over 67,000 projects.
Gujarat is a state in western India, known for its rich history, culture, and economic development.
CM stands for Chief Minister, who is the head of the government in an Indian state, similar to a principal in a school but for the whole state.
Bhupendra Patel is the current Chief Minister of Gujarat, responsible for making important decisions for the state.
Rs 1,000.86 Crore is a large amount of money, where 'Rs' stands for Indian Rupees, and 'Crore' is a term used in India to denote ten million. So, this is 10,008.6 million rupees.
Urban Development refers to the improvement and growth of cities and towns, making them better places to live and work.
Municipalities are local government areas in a city or town that manage services like water, roads, and waste.
Municipal Corporations are larger local government bodies in big cities that handle city services and infrastructure.
This is a special plan started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2010 to improve cities in Gujarat, making them more modern and efficient.
Infrastructure includes basic facilities like roads, bridges, and buildings that help a city function smoothly.
City identity enhancements involve projects that make a city unique and attractive, like beautifying parks or historical sites.
Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India, who was also the Chief Minister of Gujarat before becoming Prime Minister.
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