In Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, a tragic incident occurred where a 93-year-old man was fatally attacked by his grandson. The argument started over a tenant when the grandfather spoke to the tenant, which upset the grandson. The grandson believed that he should handle any issues with the tenant, not his grandfather. The argument escalated into violence, and the elderly man was severely assaulted. He was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately died the next day. The police have registered a murder case and are currently searching for the grandson, who is on the run. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are awaited.
Adarsh Nagar is a neighborhood in Delhi, which is the capital city of India. It's like a big area where many people live.
A tenant is someone who lives in a house or apartment that they rent from someone else. They pay money to the owner to stay there.
Escalated means that something got worse or more intense. In this case, the argument between the grandson and grandfather became very serious.
A murder case is when the police investigate a situation where someone has been killed. They try to find out who did it and why.
On the run means that someone is trying to escape or hide from the police. The grandson is trying not to get caught.
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