Goodwill Mobile School in Bathinda Brings Free Education to Underprivileged Kids

Goodwill Mobile School in Bathinda Brings Free Education to Underprivileged Kids

Goodwill Mobile School in Bathinda Brings Free Education to Underprivileged Kids

In Bathinda, Punjab, a unique initiative called Goodwill Mobile School is providing free education to underprivileged children. This school operates on trolleys, reaching remote areas and slums to teach kids who can’t attend regular schools.

Initiated by K K Garg

Retired Electrical Engineer from the Railways, K K Garg, started this project. He said, “When I used to travel by train, I saw many innocent and needy children deprived of education. I decided that after retirement, I would work to educate these children.”

Garg joined the Goodwill Society and launched the first Goodwill Mobile School in 2006. Now, there are 14 such schools in Bathinda.

Support from Teachers and Community

Sweta Rani, a teacher at the school, explained, “Our motive is to provide education to marginalized and poor kids. We also provide refreshments to students, and the class timings are from 2-3 PM and 3-4 PM.”

The local community and various voluntary organizations have supported this initiative, helping teachers and encouraging children to attend.

Future Plans

The Goodwill Mobile School plans to expand further, thanks to positive responses from the community. This approach has significantly changed the lives of many children, offering them new hope and direction.

Doubts Revealed

Goodwill Mobile School -: It’s a special school that moves around on wheels to teach kids who can’t go to regular schools.

Bathinda -: A city in the state of Punjab, India.

Underprivileged -: People who don’t have as many resources or opportunities as others.

Trolley-based school -: A school that operates from a vehicle, like a big cart, which can move to different places.

Retired railway engineer -: A person who used to work on trains and tracks but has now stopped working.

Remote areas -: Places that are far away from cities and towns.

Slums -: Very poor areas in cities where people live in small, crowded houses.

Initiative -: A new plan or project to solve a problem.

Voluntary organizations -: Groups of people who work together to help others without getting paid.

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