On January 1, Russian energy giant Gazprom announced it has stopped the transit of gas through Ukraine. This decision came after Ukraine refused to extend a gas transit agreement with Russia, which expired on the same day. The agreement had allowed 40 billion cubic meters of Russian gas to pass through Ukraine annually. Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned that it was too late to negotiate a new deal before the New Year.
Additionally, Gazprom has decided to cut off natural gas supplies to Moldova starting January 1, 2025. This action is due to Moldova's failure to meet payment obligations under the current contract. Gazprom has informed Moldovagaz, a major energy company in Moldova, about this decision. The restriction will remain until further notice, and Gazprom reserves the right to terminate the contract and seek compensation for any damages.
Gazprom is a large company in Russia that deals with energy, especially natural gas. It is owned by the Russian government.
Gas transit refers to the transportation of natural gas through pipelines from one country to another. In this case, it means moving gas from Russia through Ukraine to other places.
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is located between Russia and several other European countries.
Moldova is a small country in Eastern Europe, located near Ukraine and Romania.
Contract disputes happen when two parties disagree about the terms or conditions of a contract they have signed. It can lead to stopping services or seeking legal solutions.
This is a measurement of volume, showing how much gas was being transported. 40 billion cubic meters is a very large amount of gas.
Unpaid debts mean that Moldova owes money to Gazprom for the gas they received but have not yet paid for.
Compensation for damages means asking for money to cover losses or harm caused by someone not following a contract.
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