Former US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad Warns of Rising Instability in Pakistan

Former US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad Warns of Rising Instability in Pakistan

Former US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad Warns of Rising Instability in Pakistan

Washington, DC [US], September 12: Former US diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad has raised concerns about the increasing instability in Pakistan. Khalilzad, who has served as US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the United Nations, highlighted several issues contributing to the unrest.

Key Issues Highlighted by Khalilzad

Khalilzad pointed out that Pakistan is experiencing a rise in terrorism-related violence, political interference by the Pakistan army, the arrest of lawmakers, massive demonstrations, and a worsening economic situation. He noted that public frustration is growing with Pakistan’s army chief, General Asim Munir, who is perceived to be running the government.

In a post on X, Khalilzad stated, “Is #Pakistan heading towards increased instability? Internal violence is increasing due to attacks by TTP and Baluch nationalists. In addition, the country’s security forces are attacking political opponents and have even gone into parliament to arrest members. There is increased public frustration with the army chief Gen Munir, who is essentially running the government, and this has begun to restart last year’s massive popular demonstrations.”

Concerns About Terrorism and Economy

Khalilzad also mentioned that ISIS has reportedly found areas within Balochistan to use as bases for rest, recovery, and training. He warned that increased instability in Pakistan would worsen the terrorism problem. Additionally, he highlighted Pakistan’s economic struggles, noting the country’s deep reliance on International Monetary Fund (IMF) rescue packages.

He stressed that the US administration needs to review Pakistan’s trajectory and consider its stance. In another post on X, Khalilzad stated, “ISIS reportedly has found areas within unstable Baluchistan to use as bases for rest, recovery, and training. Increased instability will only worsen the terrorism problem. The country’s economy remains problematic and deeply dependent on IMF rescue packages. That problem, too, will grow worse with instability. The new US Administration will have to review where Pakistan is heading and consider what posture to take.”

Local Protests in Karachi

Amid the worsening situation, residents of Karachi are agitated over severe shortages of essentials like water and electricity. Recently, locals staged a sit-in protest on Hawkes Bay Road in front of Mauripur Main Bazar, blocking traffic to express their frustration. They complained about persistent electricity issues, high bills despite power outages, and water shortages. Despite filing several complaints, no action had been taken, prompting the protest.

According to a report, Pakistan has been experiencing persistent power shortages and load shedding, particularly during peak summer months. This is due to outdated infrastructure, inefficiencies in power generation and distribution, and rising demand.

Doubts Revealed

US Ambassador -: A US Ambassador is a person who represents the United States in another country. They work to maintain good relations between the two countries.

Zalmay Khalilzad -: Zalmay Khalilzad is a former US diplomat who has worked in various important roles, including as an ambassador. He is known for his work in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Instability -: Instability means a situation where things are not steady or secure. In this context, it means that Pakistan is facing problems that make it unsafe and unpredictable.

Terrorism -: Terrorism is when people use violence to create fear and achieve their goals. It often involves attacks on innocent people.

Political interference by the army -: This means that the army is getting involved in politics, which can cause problems because the army is supposed to protect the country, not run it.

Economic struggles -: Economic struggles mean that the country is having trouble with money, like not having enough jobs or resources for people.

General Asim Munir -: General Asim Munir is the chief of the army in Pakistan. Some people are unhappy with how he is handling things.

ISIS -: ISIS is a terrorist group that wants to create its own state and uses violence to try to achieve this.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. It is known for its natural resources but also faces many problems like violence and poverty.

US administration -: The US administration refers to the government of the United States, including the President and other leaders who make important decisions.

Karachi -: Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan. It is a major economic hub but also faces many challenges like water and electricity shortages.

Infrastructure issues -: Infrastructure issues mean problems with basic facilities like roads, water supply, and electricity that people need for daily life.

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