In Bengaluru, former Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) Commissioner Natesh has been arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for his alleged role in an illegal plot allotment scam. The ED raided Natesh's residence and questioned him regarding the MUDA scam. He is accused of illegally allotting 928 plots, including to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's wife, Parvathi.
Natesh claims he followed government orders and did not commit any wrongdoing. The ED's investigation, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), includes searches in Mangalore, Bengaluru, Mandya, and Mysuru. The agency has summoned six MUDA employees for questioning and requested related documents.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah denies the allegations, describing them as political persecution. Despite demands from the BJP for his resignation, Siddaramaiah remains supported by his party leaders.
MUDA stands for Mysore Urban Development Authority. It is an organization responsible for planning and developing urban areas in Mysore, a city in Karnataka, India.
A Commissioner is a high-ranking official in charge of a specific department or organization. In this case, Natesh was the Commissioner of MUDA, overseeing urban development activities.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is a government agency in India that investigates financial crimes and enforces laws related to money laundering and foreign exchange violations.
A plot scam involves illegal activities related to the allocation or sale of land plots. In this case, it is alleged that plots were allotted unlawfully by Natesh.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act is an Indian law aimed at preventing money laundering and providing for the confiscation of property derived from money laundering.
Siddaramaiah is a prominent Indian politician and the current Chief Minister of Karnataka, a state in India. He is mentioned in the context of the allegations against Natesh.
Political persecution refers to the unfair treatment or harassment of someone because of their political beliefs or affiliations. Siddaramaiah claims the allegations are politically motivated.
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