The Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, Randhir Jaiswal, announced that foreign diplomats will visit the Maha Kumbh Mela on Saturday. This visit comes despite recent reports of a stampede during the event. A delegation of 118 members, including Heads of Mission, their spouses, and diplomats from 77 countries, is expected to attend.
A three-member judicial commission has been established to investigate the tragic stampede that occurred during the Mauni Amavasya bathing ritual at the Prayagraj Maha Kumbh. The commission, led by Justice (Retd.) Harsh Kumar, has begun its work in Lucknow. Justice Kumar emphasized the urgency of the investigation, stating that although they have a month to complete it, they aim to finish as soon as possible. The commission will visit Prayagraj to assess the situation directly.
The stampede resulted in 30 deaths and 60 injuries. The commission's task is to examine the causes and circumstances of the incident and provide recommendations to prevent future occurrences. The Maha Kumbh Mela, a significant event in Hindu mythology, is the world's largest public gathering, attracting ascetics, saints, and pilgrims. The 2025 Maha Kumbh Mela is being held in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26.
Foreign diplomats are people who represent their country's government in another country. They work to maintain good relationships between countries.
The Maha Kumbh Mela is a very big religious festival in India where millions of people gather to take a holy dip in the river. It happens every 12 years and is considered the largest public gathering in the world.
A stampede is when a large group of people start running in panic, often causing injuries or deaths because people can get trampled.
A judicial commission is a group of people, usually led by a judge, who investigate serious incidents to find out what happened and why. They help ensure justice is served.
Justice (Retd.) Harsh Kumar is a retired judge who is leading the investigation into the stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela. 'Retd.' means he is retired from his regular judge duties.
Prayagraj is a city in India where the Maha Kumbh Mela is currently being held. It is an important place for Hindu pilgrims.
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