In New Delhi, the Supreme Court's High Powered Committee has invited farmers for a meeting on January 3 to discuss their issues. The meeting will take place at the PWD Rest House at 11 AM. This committee, led by former judge Nawab Singh, was formed to address farmers' concerns. Despite previous meetings, senior leaders from the Samyukta Kisan Morcha have not participated, although they sent a letter to the committee. The committee submitted an interim report to the Supreme Court, noting the lack of farmer engagement in talks. The Supreme Court has praised the committee's efforts.
Meanwhile, in Punjab, farmers have organized a statewide shutdown called 'Punjab Bandh' from 7 AM to 4 PM. This protest is led by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha at the Shambhu and Khanauri borders. Farmer leader Sharvan Singh Pandher announced that the bandh has received widespread support, with over 280 blockades affecting road and rail services. Emergency services remain operational during the bandh. The protest, ongoing since February 13, 2024, demands a legal guarantee for the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for 24 crops. Jagjit Singh Dallewal, a prominent leader, is on a hunger strike to emphasize this demand.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in India. It makes important decisions about laws and justice in the country.
A High Powered Committee is a group of important people chosen to discuss and solve big issues. In this case, they are talking about farmers' problems.
A 'Bandh' is when people stop working and close shops to protest. 'Punjab Bandh' means people in Punjab are doing this to show they are unhappy about something.
Minimum Support Price is the lowest price the government promises to pay farmers for their crops. It helps farmers earn enough money for their hard work.
Samyukt Kisan Morcha is a group of different farmer organizations in India. They work together to fight for farmers' rights.
Kisan Mazdoor Morcha is another group that supports farmers and workers. They help organize protests and demand better conditions for farmers.
Jagjit Singh Dallewal is a farmer leader who is not eating food to show how serious he is about the farmers' demands. This is called a hunger strike.
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