The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) in Patna has taken legal action against three individuals involved in a money laundering case linked to illegal sand mining and sales. The accused, Punj Kumar Singh, Ashok Kumar, and Sudama Kumar, have been named in a supplementary Prosecution Complaint filed by the ED's Patna Zonal Office. This complaint was submitted to the Special Court in Patna on October 29, 2024, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002. The court acknowledged the complaint on November 11, 2024. The initial complaint in this case was filed on November 10, 2023. The ED shared this update on their official social media platform, X. Further information on the case is yet to be disclosed.
ED stands for the Directorate of Enforcement. It is a government agency in India that investigates financial crimes like money laundering.
Illegal sand mining is when people take sand from places like rivers or beaches without permission. This can harm the environment and is against the law.
A prosecution complaint is a formal document filed in court to accuse someone of breaking the law. It starts the legal process to hold them accountable.
Money laundering is when people try to hide where their money came from, especially if it was earned illegally. They do this to make it look like the money is from a legal source.
A special court is a type of court that deals with specific kinds of cases, like financial crimes. It has judges who are experts in those areas.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act is a law in India that helps stop money laundering. It gives the government power to investigate and punish those involved in such activities.
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