External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar recently spoke at the 19th Nani A Palkhivala Memorial Lecture in Mumbai, India. He discussed India's relationships with its neighboring countries, highlighting the unique challenges with Pakistan due to its support for cross-border terrorism. Jaishankar emphasized India's supportive role in the region, particularly during crises like the pandemic and economic difficulties.
Jaishankar noted India's efforts to rebuild its neighborhood post-partition through non-reciprocal support, enhancing connectivity, and boosting trade and investment. He cited India's aid to Sri Lanka in 2023, providing over USD 4 billion during its economic crisis, as an example of India's commitment to its neighbors.
Regarding Pakistan, Jaishankar stated that it remains an exception in India's neighborhood due to its backing of terrorism, which he described as a 'cancer' affecting its own politics.
Jaishankar also mentioned India's long-standing ties with Myanmar and Afghanistan, stressing the importance of understanding the unique stakes of those closer to India.
He highlighted the global challenge of 'weaponisation of market instruments' and stressed the need for India to grow internally and reduce external risks. Jaishankar called for strategic autonomy and emphasized India's focus on modernization, manufacturing, and emerging technologies.
EAM stands for External Affairs Minister. In India, this is the person responsible for managing the country's relationships with other countries.
S Jaishankar is the current External Affairs Minister of India. He is responsible for India's foreign policy and international relations.
This is an event held in memory of Nani A Palkhivala, a famous Indian lawyer and economist. Important people give talks on various topics during this event.
Neighbourhood relations refer to how India interacts and maintains relationships with countries that are close to it, like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Afghanistan.
Strategic autonomy means a country's ability to make its own decisions and policies independently, without being influenced by other countries.
Modernization refers to the process of updating and improving technology, infrastructure, and systems to make them more efficient and advanced.
Emerging technologies are new and innovative technologies that are currently being developed and have the potential to change the way we live and work.
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