Director General of Railway Police Force, Manoj Yadava, has reviewed security measures at New Delhi railway station ahead of Diwali and Chhath festivities. This comes after an incident at Bandra station in Maharashtra, prompting increased precautions.
Yadava highlighted the installation of baggage scanners, metal detectors, and random checks by dog squads. Social media is being used to inform passengers about safety, urging them not to carry firecrackers.
Indian Railways is operating over 7,250 additional trains from major cities to manage the festive rush. Typically, 47 trains run daily, but with 25 extra trains, a total of 62 trains are now operational.
Passengers have praised the arrangements, noting the ease of boarding and the absence of chaos. Travellers from Bihar and Muzaffarpur expressed gratitude for the organized travel experience.
DG stands for Director General. It is a high-ranking position in the police force, responsible for overseeing and managing security operations.
Manoj Yadava is the Director General of the Railway Police Force, responsible for ensuring safety and security at railway stations.
New Delhi Railway Station is one of the busiest railway stations in India, located in the capital city, New Delhi.
Diwali is a major Hindu festival celebrated in India, known as the Festival of Lights. It involves lighting lamps, bursting crackers, and sharing sweets.
Chhath is a Hindu festival dedicated to the Sun God, celebrated mainly in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. It involves rituals and offerings to the sun.
The Railway Police Force is a special police force in India responsible for maintaining law and order on railway properties and ensuring passenger safety.
The Bandra station incident refers to a recent event that raised security concerns, prompting enhanced safety measures at other stations.
Baggage scanners are machines used to check luggage for dangerous items, ensuring safety at public places like railway stations.
Metal detectors are devices used to find metal objects, like weapons, on people entering a secure area, helping to prevent security threats.
Festive rush refers to the large number of people traveling during festivals, leading to crowded trains and stations.
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