A Delhi court has granted bail to Sub Inspector Bhupesh Kumar, who was arrested by the CBI for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 10 lakh on behalf of Inspector Sandeep Kumar Ahlawat. Bhupesh Kumar had been in custody since October 15, 2024. Special Judge Sanjeev Aggarwal granted bail on November 20, 2024, after considering the case details and the fact that co-accused Sandeep Kumar Ahlawat had already been released on bail.
The court ordered Bhupesh Kumar to provide a personal bond of Rs 50,000 and one surety of the same amount. He is prohibited from contacting witnesses, tampering with evidence, or leaving the country without court permission. The CBI opposed the bail, fearing Bhupesh Kumar might influence witnesses and hinder the investigation.
The case began with a complaint from Krishan Kumar, alleging that a fake case was registered against him and others, and a bribe of Rs 1.5 crore was demanded to settle the matter. Bhupesh Kumar was caught accepting Rs 10 lakh as the first installment of the bribe. The investigation is ongoing.
Delhi Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of Delhi, the capital of India.
A Sub Inspector is a rank in the police force, responsible for maintaining law and order and investigating crimes. They are below the rank of an Inspector.
Bail is a legal process where a person who has been arrested can be released from custody, usually by paying a certain amount of money, until their court trial.
A bribe is money or a favor given to someone to influence their actions, often illegally. In this case, it was money given to a police officer to do something wrong.
CBI stands for Central Bureau of Investigation, which is India's main investigative agency responsible for solving complex and serious crimes.
Witness tampering is when someone tries to influence or intimidate a witness to change their testimony or not testify in a legal case.
A bond is a sum of money paid as a guarantee that the person released on bail will return for their court trial. In this case, it was Rs 50,000.
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