The Delhi Police successfully dismantled a gambling operation in Bhawani Kunj, New Delhi, arresting 16 individuals. The operation led to the recovery of Rs 2.20 lakh in cash, 760 plastic coins, and two packs of playing cards.
The operation was carried out by the staff of PS Vasant Kunj South, South West District. The arrested individuals include Aashish Dheengra, Naveen Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Amit Kumar, Rahul Gupta, Sachin Gupta, Aakash, Shubam Dubey, Aman Dheengra, Shyamal, Piyush, Kanahiya, Vipin Chopra, Aman Khurana, Prashant Gupta, and Hardeep Singh.
A team led by Inspector Arvind Pratap Singh, under the supervision of ACP Satyjeet Sarin, acted on secret information received by Head Constable Kishan. The team, including Sub Inspector Upender Singh and Head Constables Manjeet and Kuldeep, conducted a raid at Flat No 67, First Floor, Bhawani Kunj.
A case under the Delhi Public Gambling Act has been registered, and all accused have been apprehended. The investigation into the property owner is ongoing.
Delhi Police is the law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining law and order in the city of New Delhi, the capital of India.
A gambling racket is an illegal operation where people bet money on games of chance, hoping to win more money. It's against the law in many places, including Delhi.
Bhawani Kunj is a locality in New Delhi, India. It's a place where people live and sometimes illegal activities like gambling can happen.
Rs 2.20 lakh means 220,000 Indian Rupees. It's a way to count money in India, where 'lakh' is a unit equal to one hundred thousand.
Plastic coins are used in gambling games to represent money. They are not real money but are used to keep track of bets during the game.
The Delhi Public Gambling Act is a law in Delhi that makes gambling illegal. It is used to punish people who are caught gambling unlawfully.
Inspector Arvind Pratap Singh is a police officer who led the operation to catch the people involved in the gambling racket.
ACP Satyjeet Sarin is a senior police officer who supervised the operation to stop the gambling activities in Bhawani Kunj.
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