In New Delhi, three juveniles have been arrested by the Delhi Police for their involvement in the murder of 22-year-old Nadeem, also known as Bobby, and a subsequent firing incident in the areas of Jyoti Nagar and Welcome in North East Delhi. The incidents occurred on a Saturday, and the suspects were apprehended within hours.
At around 1:39 AM on November 9, a PCR call was received about a firing at Kabir Nagar. Nadeem was traveling with his friends Aman and Shanwaz on a scooter when three assailants on a motorcycle shot at them. Nadeem was hit and later declared dead at GTB Hospital, while Shanwaz sustained a bullet injury to his leg and is receiving treatment. The attackers stole Nadeem's scooter and left their bike at the scene.
Zeeshan, a relative of Nadeem, expressed confusion over the motive, stating that Nadeem had no known enemies. He emphasized the need to stop crimes involving minors.
Minutes after Nadeem's murder, another firing was reported at Jyoti Nagar. Rahul, a resident of New Kardampuri, reported that shots were fired at his house. Six empty cartridges and one live cartridge were found. Rahul's mother, Urmila, mentioned a previous incident where Rahul was shot, but the motive remains unclear.
The police found similarities in the descriptions of the assailants in both incidents. Through intelligence and raids, they arrested three juveniles aged 16 to 17, recovering weapons and ammunition. The juveniles confessed to both incidents, citing financial disputes with Nadeem and instructions from a local criminal for the Jyoti Nagar attack. Investigations continue to uncover more details and the source of the weapons.
Juveniles are young people who are not yet adults. In India, this usually means someone under the age of 18.
A firing incident means that someone used a gun to shoot at people or things. It is a dangerous and illegal act.
North East Delhi is a part of the city of Delhi, which is the capital of India. It is one of the many areas in the city where people live and work.
Financial disputes are arguments or disagreements about money. People might fight over who owes money to whom or how much money should be paid.
A local criminal is someone who breaks the law in a specific area or neighborhood. They might be involved in illegal activities like theft or violence.
Weapons recovered means that the police found and took away the guns or other dangerous items that were used in the crime. This helps prevent further violence.
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