The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) regarding a plea from Dalvin Suresh, the father of Nevin Dalvin, a student who tragically passed away. The incident occurred in July 2024 at RAU's IAS Study Circle, where three UPSC aspirants drowned in a flooded basement in Old Rajender Nagar.
Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma has requested the CBI to respond to the plea, which seeks the presentation and supply of CCTV footage related to the incident. The court has scheduled the matter for January 15. Dalvin Suresh, represented by advocate Abhijit Anand, has petitioned for the preservation and provision of the CCTV footage.
In a related development, Dalvin Suresh withdrew another petition that alleged the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) was not supervising the CBI's investigation. The CBI has already filed a charge sheet against six individuals, including four co-owners and CEO Abhishek Gupta and Deshpal Singh. All accused are currently on bail. The investigation was transferred to the CBI from the Delhi police in August 2024.
The Delhi High Court is a big building where important judges work. They help solve big problems and make sure everyone follows the law in Delhi, the capital city of India.
CBI stands for Central Bureau of Investigation. It's like a team of detectives in India who solve very important and serious cases.
CCTV footage is a video recording from cameras that are used to watch and record what happens in a place. It's like a video memory of events.
RAU's IAS Study Circle is a place where students go to prepare for the UPSC exams, which are very important tests to become government officers in India.
UPSC aspirants are people who are studying hard to pass the UPSC exams. These exams help them get jobs as important officers in the Indian government.
Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma is a judge at the Delhi High Court. Judges are people who make decisions in court to help solve problems.
Bail is when someone who is accused of a crime is allowed to stay out of jail while they wait for their trial. They might have to pay money or follow certain rules to stay out.
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