A court in Delhi has rejected the second bail request of Pooja Kashyap, who is accused in a child trafficking case. The case involves the alleged sale of five infants. The complaint was filed by J Chandru, Deputy SP CBI, against Neeraj, Indu Pawar, and others, including Pooja Kashyap. Special CBI Judge Gagandeep Singh noted Pooja's involvement in the trafficking of an infant, as identified by the biological parents, Sima Kumari and Akash. The court found no merit in her bail application, citing her role in the case.
The court also reviewed call data records and intercepted calls that suggested Pooja's involvement in trafficking activities. On April 5, 2024, the CBI arrested Neeraj, Indu Pawar, and Aslam during an infant delivery, seizing Rs. 5.1 lakh. Pooja was found with a male infant at her residence, and other infants were recovered from co-accused individuals. The infants are now under the care of the Child Welfare Committee. The investigation revealed that Neeraj and Anjali sold a newborn in Patiala, Punjab, using fake adoption documents.
A Delhi Court is a place where legal cases are heard and decided in the city of Delhi, which is the capital of India.
Bail is when someone who is in jail is allowed to go home until their trial, but they have to promise to come back to court when told.
Pooja Kashyap is a person who is accused of being involved in a crime related to child trafficking.
Child trafficking is a very serious crime where children are illegally taken or sold, often for work or adoption.
Deputy SP CBI stands for Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Central Bureau of Investigation, which is a high-ranking officer in India's main investigative agency.
CBI is the Central Bureau of Investigation, which is India's top agency for investigating serious crimes.
A Special CBI Judge is a judge who handles cases that are investigated by the CBI, which often involve serious crimes.
Call data refers to information about phone calls, like who called whom and when, which can be used as evidence in investigations.
Intercepted calls are phone conversations that have been secretly listened to or recorded by authorities to gather evidence.
Fake adoption documents are false papers that make it look like a child has been legally adopted, but they are used to trick people or authorities.
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