In a recent decision, a Delhi Court acquitted three women accused of possessing drugs after forensic tests showed no narcotics were present. The women, Anju, Lalita, and Monika, were arrested near Delhi Gate Metro Station in May 2017, with police claiming to have found 12 grams of smack on each. However, the forensic examination revealed no narcotic drugs or tranquilizers in the samples.
Special Judge Ekta Gauba Mann noted that the foundation for invoking the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act is the recovery of contraband. Since no drugs were detected, the NDPS Act could not be applied. The court criticized the prosecution for failing to prove the allegations beyond reasonable doubt, citing a lack of evidence such as public witnesses or CCTV footage.
The court highlighted defects in the investigation, noting that no public witnesses were involved, and no CCTV footage was presented. The forensic report, submitted in May 2018, confirmed the absence of narcotics, undermining the prosecution's case.
A Delhi Court is a place in the city of Delhi where legal cases are heard and decided by judges. It's like a big room where people go to solve problems according to the law.
Acquits means that the court has decided that the people accused of doing something wrong are not guilty. It means they are free to go because there wasn't enough proof that they did anything bad.
A forensic test is a scientific test used to find out if something is true or not, like if there are drugs in a sample. Scientists use special tools and methods to check for evidence.
Narcotics are drugs that can make people feel sleepy or numb and are often illegal. They can be harmful and are not allowed to be used without a doctor's permission.
Smack is a slang term for a type of illegal drug called heroin. It's a very strong drug that can be dangerous and is not allowed to be used.
Prosecution is the team of lawyers who try to prove that someone did something wrong in court. They collect evidence and present it to the judge to show that the accused person is guilty.
Public witnesses are people who saw something happen and can tell the court what they saw. They help the court understand what really happened by sharing their observations.
CCTV footage is video recorded by security cameras. It can show what happened at a certain place and time, helping to provide evidence in a court case.
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