In New Delhi, Chief Minister Atishi announced that drivers and conductors of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Cluster buses will face suspension if they fail to stop at designated stops to pick up female passengers. During a press conference, Atishi urged women to photograph buses that skip stops and share them on social media to ensure action against the drivers. The transport department has issued orders to ensure buses stop for women, emphasizing the importance of women traveling freely for economic development.
Atishi addressed complaints from women about buses not stopping when only women are present. She reassured that the Delhi government is committed to providing free bus travel for women. The transport department has mandated that any driver or conductor who does not stop for women will be suspended. Women are encouraged to take photos of non-compliant buses and post them online for action to be taken.
Previously, the Transport Department refuted claims by Aam Aadmi Party's Arvind Kejriwal that an inquiry was being considered against Atishi regarding free bus rides for women. Kejriwal alleged a conspiracy to arrest Atishi in a false case to distract from the Delhi Assembly polls. The Transport Department called these allegations "misplaced and misleading."
Atishi is the Chief Minister of Delhi, which means she is the leader of the government in the city of Delhi, India. She is responsible for making important decisions and policies for the city.
Bus drivers are people who drive buses, which are large vehicles that carry many passengers from one place to another. In this context, they work for the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Cluster buses.
Suspension means temporarily stopping someone from doing their job. In this case, if bus drivers do not stop for women, they will not be allowed to drive the bus for a certain period.
The Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) is a government organization that provides bus services in Delhi. It helps people travel around the city by bus.
Cluster buses are a group of buses that operate in certain areas of Delhi. They are part of a public transport system to help people move around the city.
Designated stops are specific places where buses are supposed to stop to pick up and drop off passengers. These stops are marked and known to both drivers and passengers.
The transport department is a part of the government that manages transportation services, like buses and roads, in a city or state. They make rules to ensure safe and efficient travel for everyone.
Free bus rides for women is a policy where women can travel on buses without paying any money. This is done to make transportation more accessible and safe for women.
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