On Sunday, Congress MP Deepender Hooda criticized actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut for her comments on farmers. Hooda suggested that the BJP is making Ranaut say these things. Ranaut had earlier called for the return of the three farm laws that were repealed after prolonged farmer protests.
Hooda said, "Time and again, the BJP shows its intentions and I don't know why it keeps on rubbing salt on the wounds of farmers. They did not fulfil the promises they made and then threatened to bring back all three laws. 'Ye kangana nahi balki BJP kehelva rahi hai unse."
Hooda also criticized the BJP government in Haryana, stating that the people of Haryana have received nothing in the last 10 years. He mentioned high unemployment, crime rate, inflation, and corruption as major issues. He added, "Khattar Sahib did not listen to anyone, which is why today BJP also changed him. People have decided to change and the Congress government will come to power in Haryana with a big majority."
On Wednesday, Ranaut issued a public apology and expressed regret over her statement. She said, "I know this statement could be controversial, but the three farm laws should be brought back. Farmers themselves should demand it." After the BJP stated that her comments were "not authorized," Ranaut retracted her remarks and issued an apology. She added that moving forward, she will ensure her views align with the party's stance rather than representing her personal opinions.
Ranaut said in a self-made video posted on X, "When farmer's laws were proposed, a lot of people came out in support of them, but with a lot of sensitivity, our Prime Minister retracted those laws, so it is the responsibility of all the workers of his party to respect his words. I will also have to keep one thing in mind that now I am not an artist but a BJP worker. My opinions will not just be mine but will represent the party's stand. So if I have hurt anyone's sentiments with my thoughts, I regret it and take my words back."
Last month, the BJP distanced itself from Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut's statement about the farmers' agitation and also asked the actor-turned-politician to refrain from giving such statements in the future.
A Congress MP is a Member of Parliament from the Congress party, which is one of the major political parties in India.
Deepender Hooda is a politician from the Congress party in India. He represents the people in the Parliament.
Kangana Ranaut is a famous Indian actress who has also started talking about politics.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is another major political party in India.
Farm laws were rules made by the government about farming, which many farmers did not like and protested against.
Haryana is a state in northern India. It is known for its agriculture and industries.
Unemployment means not having a job. High unemployment means many people in Haryana do not have jobs.
Corruption means dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people like government officials.
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