Following the brutal killing of Tamil Nadu Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief K Armstrong, Congress leader Karti P Chidambaram dismissed the claims of murder being a result of personal enmity. He emphasized that this could lead to a misreading of the ground reality and highlighted the serious issue of contract killing in North Chennai. Chidambaram pointed out that the socioeconomic conditions of North Madras could be a major factor in committing such crimes. He urged Stalin's government to take cognizance of the matter and address this issue.
In a social media post, Karti P Chidambaram wrote, "To treat the murder of a political functionary in North Madras as a one-off event due to personal enmity would be erroneous and a total misreading of the ground reality. Contract killing is a very serious issue. Further, the systemic socioeconomic neglect of North Madras is a precipitating factor. The @CMOTamilnadu must address the core of this issue @tnpoliceoffl."
Earlier in the day, the Madras High Court took up the hearing on the plea filed by K Porkodi, wife of the slain BSP Tamil Nadu Chief K Armstrong, seeking approval to bury the leader's body at the party office located in Chennai. K Armstrong was assassinated by a group of unidentified men near his residence in Chennai on Friday evening.
Meanwhile, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Supremo Mayawati on Sunday paid floral tribute to the slain party's Tamil Nadu Chief, K Armstrong, at Corporation School Ground in Chennai and urged the state government to refer the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). BSP National Coordinator Akash Anand also paid tribute to K Armstrong, who was hacked to death by a group of unidentified men near his residence in Perambur in Chennai. Terming the incident 'saddening', Mayawati said that the way he was assassinated near his residence is very 'devastating'.
Congress is a major political party in India. It has been one of the oldest and most influential parties in the country.
Karti P Chidambaram is a politician from the Congress party. He is the son of P. Chidambaram, a senior Congress leader and former finance minister of India.
Tamil Nadu is a state in the southern part of India. It is known for its rich culture, temples, and history.
BSP stands for Bahujan Samaj Party. It is a political party in India that primarily represents the Dalits, a group of people who have been historically marginalized.
K Armstrong was the chief of the BSP in Tamil Nadu. He was recently killed, which has led to various political reactions.
Contract killing is when someone is hired to kill another person. It is illegal and considered a serious crime.
North Chennai is a part of Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu. It is known for its industrial areas and dense population.
Mayawati is a senior leader of the BSP. She has served as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, a large state in India.
CBI stands for Central Bureau of Investigation. It is India's top investigative agency, responsible for solving serious crimes and corruption cases.
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