Chief Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Calls for Inclusivity for Children with Disabilities in Odisha

Chief Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Calls for Inclusivity for Children with Disabilities in Odisha

Chief Justice Chakradhari Sharan Singh Calls for Inclusivity for Children with Disabilities in Odisha

The Chief Justice of the Orissa High Court, Chakradhari Sharan Singh, urged stakeholders to commit to greater inclusivity for children with disabilities within the juvenile justice system. Speaking virtually at the 9th Annual Stakeholders Consultation on the Protection of Children with Disabilities at the Odisha Judicial Academy in Cuttack, he emphasized the importance of addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by these children.

Justice Sharan Singh stated, “We must recognise that children with disabilities often face unique challenges and vulnerabilities that require special attention and care. Effective implementation of legal acts requires a comprehensive approach that takes into consideration the specific needs of the children with disabilities.” He added, “As we work towards a more just and equitable society, let us commit to upholding the rights of all children, especially those with disabilities.”

Participants were urged to focus on the steps taken by the state to protect children with disabilities across legal categories defined by the Juvenile Justice Acts, such as Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP) and Children in Conflict with the Law (CCL). Justice Debabrata Dash, Chairperson of the Juvenile Justice Committee, said, “It is not individuals with disabilities who are necessarily deficient. Our current system also has some deficiencies in providing equal treatment and opportunities to the disabled. The purpose of today’s consultation is to find out these loopholes and fill the gaps so that we have a better future.”

A UNICEF study from August 2022 estimated that one in three children in institutions have a disability. Additionally, children with disabilities are disproportionately represented in childcare institutions, with some estimates suggesting that up to 25 per cent of all young people in such facilities have intellectual disabilities or mental health conditions. The study also found that the mortality rate for children with disabilities in institutional care is 100 times higher than for other children.

William Hanlon Jr., Chief of Field Office, UNICEF, said, “The cost of excluding children with disabilities would defeat our global commitment to ‘Leaving No One Behind.’ We must reaffirm our commitment to creating an enabling ecosystem where children with disabilities are included, protected, and empowered to reach their full potential.”

Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary, Social Security and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, emphasized the focus on the needs, issues, and contributions of about 60 to 70 lakh people with disabilities in Odisha. He stated, “If we want our state to become a developed state and aim to achieve a $500 million economy by 2036, and a $1.5 trillion economy by 2047, then we have to reaffirm our commitment towards people with disabilities.”

Principal Secretary Shubha Sarma of the Odisha State Department of Women and Child Development highlighted initiatives taken in collaboration with UNICEF and the Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD) department. She said, “The department will conduct a vulnerability mapping to identify children who are at risk and with disabilities. We will come up with a joint action plan based on the inputs.”

Doubts Revealed

Chief Justice -: The Chief Justice is the highest-ranking judge in a court. In this case, Chakradhari Sharan Singh is the Chief Justice of the Orissa High Court.

Orissa High Court -: The Orissa High Court is the highest court in the Indian state of Odisha. It deals with important legal cases and decisions.

Inclusivity -: Inclusivity means making sure everyone is included and treated fairly, especially people who might be left out, like children with disabilities.

Children with Disabilities -: These are children who have physical or mental conditions that make it harder for them to do things that other children can do easily.

Juvenile Justice System -: This is a special part of the legal system that deals with children who are in trouble with the law or need protection.

9th Annual Stakeholders Consultation -: This is a yearly meeting where important people discuss how to improve things. This was the 9th time they met to talk about helping children with disabilities.

Odisha Judicial Academy -: This is a place where judges and other legal professionals in Odisha get training and learn new things.

Justice Debabrata Dash -: He is another important judge who talked about problems in the system that need fixing.

UNICEF -: UNICEF is a global organization that works to help children all over the world. William Hanlon Jr. is a representative from UNICEF.

Bishnupada Sethi -: He is an official who works in the government of Odisha and helps with programs for children.

Shubha Sarma -: She is another official who works on projects to support children in Odisha.

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