The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested two individuals, including Priyanshu Tyagi, the branch manager of Prathma UP Gramin Bank in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh, and his associate, Madan Singh, a private person. They were caught demanding and accepting a bribe to sanction a loan under the Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) Scheme.
The CBI registered a case based on a complaint against Priyanshu Tyagi, who allegedly demanded an illegal gratification of Rs. 60,000 from the complainant to sanction a loan of Rs. 6 lakh under the PMEGP Scheme. The CBI set a trap and caught Tyagi and Singh red-handed while accepting Rs. 30,000, the first installment of the bribe.
Searches were conducted at the residential premises of both accused in Bijnor, leading to the recovery of incriminating documents and articles. The arrested individuals will be produced before the Court of Special Judge, CBI cases, in Ghaziabad. The investigation is ongoing.
CBI stands for Central Bureau of Investigation. It is a government agency in India that investigates serious crimes like corruption and bribery.
Bribery is when someone gives money or gifts to another person to get something done illegally or unfairly. In this case, the bank manager took money to approve a loan.
Bijnor is a city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is where the bank manager and his associate were arrested.
Prathma UP Gramin Bank is a regional rural bank in Uttar Pradesh, India. It provides banking services to people in rural areas.
PMEGP is a scheme by the Indian government to help people start small businesses. It provides financial help to create jobs.
Ghaziabad is a city in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is where the court handling this bribery case is located.
This is a special court that deals with cases investigated by the CBI. It ensures that serious crimes are judged fairly.
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