In Islamabad, Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, voiced her lack of trust in the country's legal system during a hearing at an anti-terrorism court. The case, overseen by Judge Tahir Abbas Sipra, involved allegations of a vehicle incident with Rangers' personnel. Despite the judge's assurance that legal protocols were followed, Bushra Bibi expressed her loss of faith in the courts, citing past experiences where justice seemed absent.
Judge Sipra countered her claims, stating that the justice system, though flawed, is still operational. He emphasized that if it were to collapse, society would suffer greatly. Bushra Bibi recounted a previous trial where a judge, despite high blood pressure, ruled against them, reinforcing her belief that there is law but no justice in the country.
Following her arguments, the judge granted Bushra Bibi interim bail in the case filed at Ramna Police Station, extending it until February 7. However, on January 13, Islamabad Court rejected three of her interim bail applications. During the proceedings, Prosecutor Iqbal Kakhar and Advocate Khalid Yousaf Chaudhry were present, with the latter requesting exemption for Bushra Bibi. The court dismissed the bail pleas due to non-compliance with court orders.
Bushra Bibi is the wife of Imran Khan, who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. She is a public figure in Pakistan.
Imran Khan is a famous cricketer turned politician who served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He is known for his leadership and political activities in Pakistan.
The legal system is a set of rules and laws that a country follows to ensure justice and order. In Pakistan, like in India, there are courts and judges who make decisions based on these laws.
Interim bail is a temporary release from custody granted by a court. It allows a person to stay out of jail until the next court hearing.
Rangers are a paramilitary force in Pakistan, similar to the Border Security Force (BSF) in India. They help maintain law and order in the country.
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