BR Naidu has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD). He expressed his intention to work selflessly and address ongoing issues. His appointment follows a controversy regarding the Tirupati Prasadam, where Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu accused the previous government of using substandard ingredients, including animal fat, in the laddus offered at the Sri Venkateswara temple.
The controversy led to the Supreme Court forming a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate these allegations. The SIT will include officers from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Andhra Pradesh state police, and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), supervised by the CBI director.
BR Naidu plans to discuss with the government the issue of employees from other religions working at Tirumala, considering their transfer or voluntary retirement. He aims to restore the sanctity of Tirumala, which he felt was compromised under the previous government.
Naidu praised the current committee's work and mentioned the successful conduct of 'Brahmotsavam'. He is committed to bringing positive changes to the TTD.
BR Naidu is a person who has been chosen to be the new leader of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam, which is a famous temple in India.
TTD stands for Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam, which is an organization that manages the famous Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Tirupati Prasadam refers to the sacred food offering, like laddus, given to devotees at the Tirupati temple.
Chandrababu Naidu is a politician and the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, a state in India.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in India, which makes important decisions about laws and justice.
A Special Investigation Team is a group of experts set up to look into serious issues or controversies, like the one about the Tirupati Prasadam.
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