Deoghar, known as "Baba Nagri" or the "Abode of God," is a small town in Jharkhand, India. It is famous for its religious significance, particularly the Baba Baidyanath Dham Temple, a sacred site for devotees of Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati.
The upcoming Jharkhand Assembly election has turned Deoghar into a key battleground. The contest is between BJP's incumbent MLA Narayan Das and Rashtriya Janata Dal's three-term Ex MLA Suresh Paswan. Deoghar is a Scheduled Caste (SC) category seat, and the Brahman community, known as the Pandas, plays a crucial role in deciding the election outcome.
While small business owners continue to support the BJP, there is unrest among the Purohit community due to the proposed corridor for Baba Baidyanath Dham, which has caused dissatisfaction.
The elections for 81 seats in the Jharkhand Assembly will occur in two phases on November 13 and November 20, with vote counting on November 23. A total of 2.60 crore voters, including 1.31 crore male and 1.29 crore female voters, are eligible to vote. The state also has 11.84 lakh first-time voters and 66.84 lakh young voters.
The holy town of Deoghar is set to cast its votes on November 20, and it remains to be seen who will receive the blessings of Baba Baidyanath in this crucial election.
BJP stands for Bharatiya Janata Party, which is one of the major political parties in India. It is known for its nationalist policies and is currently one of the ruling parties in India.
RJD stands for Rashtriya Janata Dal, a political party in India that is mainly based in the state of Bihar. It is known for its focus on social justice and is led by Lalu Prasad Yadav.
Deoghar is a town in the Indian state of Jharkhand. It is famous for its religious sites, especially the Baba Baidyanath Dham, which is a major Hindu pilgrimage spot.
Scheduled Castes are groups of people in India who have historically been disadvantaged and discriminated against. The government provides them with special support to improve their social and economic status.
The Brahman community is a group of people in India traditionally known as priests and scholars. They are considered to be at the top of the Hindu caste system.
The Purohit community consists of Hindu priests who perform religious rituals and ceremonies. They are often involved in temple activities and spiritual guidance.
Baba Baidyanath Dham is a famous temple in Deoghar dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, which are sacred shrines in Hinduism.
2.60 crore voters means there are 26 million people who are eligible to vote in the election. In India, a crore is a unit equal to ten million.
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