Baloch National Movement Raises Awareness in Dutch Cities About Balochistan’s Struggle

Baloch National Movement Raises Awareness in Dutch Cities About Balochistan’s Struggle

Baloch National Movement Raises Awareness in Dutch Cities About Balochistan’s Struggle

Amsterdam [Netherlands], August 16: The Netherland and US chapters of the Baloch National Movement (BNM) organized an awareness campaign in several Dutch cities including Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Eindhoven. The campaign aimed to inform people about Balochistan’s history and its ongoing struggle for independence from Pakistan.

The BNM highlighted August 11 as the day Balochistan gained independence from British rule and declared itself an independent nation separate from Pakistan. They distributed pamphlets detailing the events of March 1948 when Pakistan forcibly occupied Balochistan and the subsequent atrocities committed against the Baloch community, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and violence against women and children.

The pamphlets urged global citizens to speak out against the Pakistani occupation and the genocide of the Baloch people. The BNM believes that international solidarity can inspire the people of Balochistan and contribute to global justice and human rights protection.

Previously, the UK chapter of BNM held a rally in Trafalgar Square, London, condemning the Pakistani security forces’ actions during the Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar, Mastung, and Nushki. Hundreds of participants, including the Baloch and Sindh diaspora, joined the protest to highlight enforced disappearances and road blockades by Pakistani forces. The rally called for an end to the Gwadar siege and justice for victims of state-backed terrorism.

Rally organizers condemned the intolerable atrocities committed by Pakistani security forces against peaceful protesters in Gwadar, Mastung, and Nushki, urging the international community to take action against ongoing human rights violations in Balochistan.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch National Movement (BNM) -: The Baloch National Movement is a group that wants to make people aware of the problems faced by the Baloch people in Balochistan, a region in Pakistan.

Dutch cities -: Dutch cities are cities in the Netherlands, a country in Europe. The BNM held their campaign in these cities to tell people about Balochistan’s issues.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where many people feel they are not treated fairly and want independence.

independence from Pakistan -: Some people in Balochistan want to be a separate country and not be part of Pakistan anymore.

August 11 -: August 11 is considered by some people in Balochistan as their independence day from British rule, even though they are now part of Pakistan.

British rule -: Before 1947, many parts of the world, including Balochistan, were controlled by the British Empire.

atrocities -: Atrocities are very bad actions, like hurting or killing people. The BNM says Pakistan has done these bad things in Balochistan.

occupation in 1948 -: In 1948, Pakistan took control of Balochistan, and some people there have been unhappy about it ever since.

human rights violations -: Human rights violations are actions that go against basic rights and freedoms that every person should have, like safety and fair treatment.

UK chapter -: The UK chapter is the part of the Baloch National Movement that is based in the United Kingdom, another country in Europe.

rally in London -: A rally is a gathering of people to show support for a cause. The BNM held one in London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.

Pakistani security forces -: These are the police and military in Pakistan. The BNM says they have done bad things to people in Balochistan.

Baloch National Gathering -: This is a meeting or event where people from Balochistan come together to discuss their issues and plans.

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