In Gurugram, Haryana, doctors at a private hospital have successfully treated a 14-month-old baby named Arianna from Kenya, who was suffering from Pearson Syndrome, a rare and life-threatening disorder. This condition affects only about 1 in a million people worldwide, with just 150 documented cases globally.
A team led by Dr. Vikas Dua at Fortis Memorial Research Institute performed a stem cell transplant, marking India's first successful treatment of Pearson Syndrome. The disorder, caused by missing parts of mitochondrial DNA, affects energy production in cells, leading to multiple organ issues. Dr. Dua explained that this was the first transplant for such a disease in India, and only the seventh globally.
Arianna's mother expressed her gratitude, saying the successful transplant has given her daughter a second chance at life. Arianna had been suffering from severe anemia since birth, requiring multiple blood transfusions in Kenya. Her condition worsened, leading to the urgent need for a half-match donor transplant.
After being diagnosed with Pearson Syndrome through genetic tests, Arianna was treated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. The transplant was performed using her mother's cells as a half-matched donor. Post-transplant, Arianna has shown significant improvement, gaining weight and no longer needing transfusions.
Yash Rawat, Facility Director at Fortis, highlighted the importance of personalized treatment plans. The hospital remains committed to providing world-class healthcare, as demonstrated by the successful treatment of Baby Arianna.
Pearson Syndrome is a very rare disease that affects the blood and other parts of the body. It can make people very sick, especially little kids like Arianna.
Gurugram is a city in the state of Haryana, India. It is known for having many big offices and hospitals.
A stem cell transplant is a medical procedure where special cells are put into a person's body to help them get better from certain diseases. These cells can grow into different types of cells that the body needs.
Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a big hospital in Gurugram, India. It has many doctors and special equipment to help treat people who are very sick.
Transfusions are when doctors give someone extra blood or parts of blood through a tube into their body. This helps people who don't have enough healthy blood.
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