In Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, a grand festival called Deepotsav is set to take place. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has invited everyone to join the celebration on Wednesday, where a world record attempt will be made by lighting over 25 lakh diyas. This event marks a historic moment as it is the first Deepotsav after the construction of the Ram Mandir.
During the festival, over 1,100 people will perform the largest aarti together at Saryu Ghat, aiming for a Guinness World Record. A 30-member team from the Guinness Book of World Records is present to oversee the preparations.
Deepotsav is a five-day festival celebrating Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. It highlights Ayodhya's cultural and spiritual importance, drawing millions of devotees and tourists.
More than 30,000 volunteers will assist in the record attempt across 55 ghats. The event will also feature a Shobha Yatra with artists from six countries and 16 Indian states. The government has launched a virtual initiative, 'Ek Diya Ram ke naam,' through the Divya Ayodhya app.
Ayodhya has experienced significant changes, with increased tourism and development. Local businesses are thriving as visitors gather for the festivities.
Ayodhya is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for its religious and historical significance, especially in Hinduism as the birthplace of Lord Rama.
Deepotsav is a festival celebrated in Ayodhya to mark the return of Lord Rama after 14 years of exile. It involves lighting lamps, known as diyas, to symbolize the victory of light over darkness.
Uttar Pradesh is a state in northern India. It is the most populous state in India and has many important cultural and historical sites.
Yogi Adityanath is the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He is a political leader and a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
25 lakh diyas means 2.5 million small oil lamps. Lighting so many diyas at once is a big event and an attempt to set a world record.
Aarti is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, where light from wicks soaked in ghee or camphor is offered to deities. It is a way to show devotion and is often accompanied by singing.
Guinness World Records is an organization that keeps track of world records. They send teams to verify and officially record new world records.
Cultural significance means the importance of something in terms of culture and traditions. Ayodhya is culturally significant because of its connection to Lord Rama and Hindu mythology.
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