The Amritsar Commissionerate Police in Punjab, India, has successfully dismantled an interstate illegal weapons smuggling operation. This operation was linked to Dilpreet Singh, who is based in the USA. The police have arrested seven individuals involved in this smuggling ring.
During the operation, the police seized 12 pistols, 16 magazines, and 23 live cartridges. This significant seizure was announced by the Director General of Police (DGP) of Punjab, Gaurav Yadav, on social media.
Preliminary investigations have revealed that the smuggling module was providing logistical support to various gangs by sourcing weapons from Madhya Pradesh. An FIR has been filed at PS Islamabad, and further investigations are underway to identify other individuals involved in this network.
The Punjab Police, led by DGP Gaurav Yadav, is dedicated to combating organized crime and illegal weapons trafficking. They are working diligently to uncover all connections within this network to ensure public safety.
Amritsar is a city in the state of Punjab, India. It is famous for the Golden Temple, a sacred place for Sikhs.
Illegal weapons smuggling means secretly bringing weapons into a place without permission from the government. It is against the law and can be dangerous.
Dilpreet Singh is a person who lives in the USA and is linked to the illegal weapons smuggling ring. He might be involved in organizing or supporting the smuggling activities.
Commissionerate Police is a special police system in some Indian cities where a Commissioner of Police has more powers to maintain law and order.
Pistols are small guns, magazines are parts of guns that hold bullets, and cartridges are the bullets themselves.
Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. In this context, it is mentioned as the place from where the weapons were being procured.
FIR stands for First Information Report. It is a document prepared by the police when they receive information about a crime.
DGP stands for Director General of Police, which is the highest rank in the Indian police. Gaurav Yadav is the person holding this position in Punjab Police.
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