Amnesty International's South Asia unit has criticized the police's harsh response to a peaceful protest by the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) in Lyari, Karachi. The protest aimed to highlight Baloch rights but was met with excessive force, resulting in the detention of several women and nine men, including Lala Wahab Baloch, without formal charges. Amnesty International has called for the immediate release of those detained and urged authorities to respect the right to protest.
The BYC has also condemned the crackdown, alleging that the police are targeting Baloch citizens. Key figures like Sammi Deen Baloch and Lala Wahab Baloch have been detained at local police stations, with reports of harassment and threats. The BYC claims this is part of a larger pattern of repression against the Baloch community and has called for support from other communities.
Amnesty International is a global organization that works to protect human rights. They speak out against injustices and help people who are treated unfairly by governments or other groups.
Baloch refers to people from the Balochistan region, which is an area in Pakistan. They have their own culture and language, and sometimes they protest for their rights and better treatment.
Karachi is a large city in Pakistan. It is one of the biggest cities in the country and is known for its busy markets and diverse population.
The Baloch Yakjehti Committee is a group that works to support and unite Baloch people. They organize events and protests to raise awareness about issues affecting the Baloch community.
Lala Wahab Baloch is a person who was involved in the Baloch protest in Karachi. He was one of the individuals detained by the police during the protest.
The right to protest means that people can gather and express their opinions or concerns in public. It is an important part of democracy, where people can speak up about what they believe in.
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