In Mumbai, Maharashtra, a recent statement by Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Chief Ajit Pawar has sparked reactions. Ajit Pawar commented on the late RR Patil, a former Home Minister, during a rally in Sangli. He accused Patil of betrayal for ordering an open inquiry into an alleged Rs 70,000 crore irrigation scam.
Ajit Pawar expressed confusion over the allegations, stating that the total expenditure of the irrigation department was only Rs 42,000 crore, including salaries and other expenses. He claimed that RR Patil had signed a file initiating an inquiry against him, which Pawar viewed as backstabbing.
Rohit Patil, son of the late RR Patil, responded by acknowledging Ajit Pawar as a senior leader and refrained from commenting further. He mentioned that the issue dates back nine and a half years and expressed confidence that senior leaders would address it.
Ajit Pawar also shared his disappointment upon discovering RR Patil's signature on the file, which was later shown to him by Devendra Fadnavis, the then Chief Minister.
Ajit Pawar is a politician in India and a leader of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). He is known for his influential role in Maharashtra politics.
NCP stands for Nationalist Congress Party, which is a political party in India. It was founded in 1999 and is mainly active in the state of Maharashtra.
RR Patil was a respected Indian politician from Maharashtra. He was known for his work as the Home Minister of Maharashtra and was a member of the NCP.
Rohit Patil is the son of the late RR Patil. He is also involved in politics and is known for his connection to his father's legacy.
Rs 70,000 crore is a large amount of money, equivalent to 700 billion rupees. It is often used to describe the scale of financial matters in India.
An irrigation scam refers to a situation where funds meant for irrigation projects are misused or not used properly. This can lead to problems in water supply for farming.
Devendra Fadnavis is an Indian politician who served as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
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