The Ahmedabad Police have announced plans to file another First Information Report (FIR) against journalist Mahesh Langa following a cheating complaint. Langa was previously arrested on October 8 in connection with a Goods and Services Tax (GST) fraud case. Ahmedabad Police Commissioner GS Malik stated that a complaint involving a cheating amount of approximately Rs 28 lakh has been received.
Initially, an FIR was filed by the GST department on October 7, leading to the arrest of Langa and some associates. During a search of Langa's residence, police found around Rs 20 lakh in cash and incriminating documents. Searches were conducted at 19 locations across Bhavnagar, Surat, Junagadh, Rajkot, and Ahmedabad.
The FIR mentions 222 shell companies, including Dhruvi Enterprise and 12 other companies. Langa also started a company in 2023 under the name of his brother's wife, Naina Langa, which is under investigation for suspicious transactions. So far, 17 individuals have been arrested in connection with the case.
Commissioner Malik highlighted discrepancies in Langa's income, noting that his 2022-23 income tax return showed an income of Rs 9.48 lakh, while his wife's income was Rs 6.04 lakh, yet Rs 20 lakh in cash was found at his home. The new FIR involves a complaint from an individual who gave Rs 28 lakh to Langa for a task that was not completed, and the money was not returned.
Langa was detained after the Central GST discovered suspicious transactions linked to fake firms in his wife's and father's names using forged documents. Following the initial FIR, raids were conducted at 14 locations across Gujarat, including Ahmedabad, Junagadh, Surat, Kheda, and Bhavnagar.
FIR stands for First Information Report. It is a document prepared by the police in India when they receive information about a crime. It is the first step in the legal process to investigate the crime.
GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. It is a tax in India that is applied to the sale of goods and services. It is a way for the government to collect money to provide public services.
Ahmedabad is a large city in the state of Gujarat, India. It is known for its rich history, culture, and as a major economic and industrial hub.
Mahesh Langa is a journalist who was involved in a legal case related to GST fraud. Journalists are people who write news stories and report on events happening around the world.
Shell companies are businesses that exist only on paper and have no real operations. They are often used to hide money or avoid paying taxes.
Income discrepancies refer to differences or mismatches in the amount of money someone reports earning and what they actually earn. It can indicate financial wrongdoing or fraud.
Raids are sudden visits by the police to a place to search for evidence of illegal activities. They are usually conducted to catch people involved in crimes.
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