Yusuf Baloch Highlights Balochistan’s Struggle and Climate Crisis at Geneva Conference

Yusuf Baloch Highlights Balochistan’s Struggle and Climate Crisis at Geneva Conference

Yusuf Baloch Highlights Balochistan’s Struggle and Climate Crisis at Geneva Conference

At the 5th Balochistan International Conference in Geneva, organized by the Baloch National Movement, Yusuf Baloch spoke about the link between Balochistan’s fight for freedom and the global climate crisis. He pointed out human rights issues like enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan, connecting them to colonialism and capitalism. Baloch emphasized the need to dismantle oppressive systems to ensure freedom for Balochistan’s indigenous people.

He stressed the importance of representing the indigenous people, stating, “It is vital to emphasize that this is our land; we belong here, and we do not live here under anyone’s authority. We must resist that authority.” Baloch called for more youth involvement in the movement, highlighting personal connections to the struggle through missing or harmed relatives.

Baloch described the marginalization of the Baloch people, who face enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and military operations. He concluded by urging the movement’s sustainability, balancing anger and hope to drive change. Yusuf Baloch is a climate and human rights activist from Balochistan, involved in Fridays for Future.

Doubts Revealed

Yusuf Baloch -: Yusuf Baloch is a person who is speaking about important issues related to Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. He is trying to bring attention to the problems faced by the people there.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a large region in Pakistan known for its natural resources and diverse culture. However, it faces many challenges, including political struggles and environmental issues.

Geneva Conference -: The Geneva Conference is a meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, where people from different countries come together to discuss important global issues. In this case, they are talking about Balochistan.

Climate Crisis -: The climate crisis refers to the serious changes happening in the Earth’s climate, like global warming, which are causing problems like extreme weather and rising sea levels. It affects everyone, including people in Balochistan.

Human Rights Violations -: Human rights violations are actions that go against the basic rights and freedoms that every person should have. In Balochistan, this includes things like people disappearing or being killed without a fair trial.

Colonialism -: Colonialism is when a country takes control over another area and its people, often exploiting them for resources. This has historically caused many problems for regions like Balochistan.

Capitalism -: Capitalism is an economic system where businesses are privately owned and operate for profit. Sometimes, it can lead to inequality and exploitation, which are issues being discussed in relation to Balochistan.

Youth Involvement -: Youth involvement means encouraging young people to participate in important movements and discussions. Yusuf Baloch believes that young people can help bring about positive change in Balochistan.

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