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Young Buddhist Scholars Discuss Buddha Dhamma in New Delhi Conference

Young Buddhist Scholars Discuss Buddha Dhamma in New Delhi Conference

Young Buddhist Scholars Discuss Buddha Dhamma in New Delhi Conference

New Delhi, August 7: Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, member secretary of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), spoke at the second International Conference for Young Buddhist Scholars on Buddha Dhamma and its application in education, scientific research, healthcare, and well-being. He emphasized the challenge of promoting compassion, kindness, peace, truth, and harmony in a world filled with destruction.

The conference, organized by the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) with support from the Ministry of Culture and the Ambedkar International Centre, featured 15 papers from young academicians and researchers from seven countries, including India. Attendees included members of the diplomatic community from Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia, and the Republic of Korea.

The 8th Chokyong Palga Rinpoche from Ladakh, the Guest of Honour, highlighted the need for Buddha Dhamma to evolve with the times to remain relevant. He encouraged young scholars to spread messages of peace, harmony, and love.

Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden, Secretary General of IBC, suggested that universities should establish departments to study the linkages between Buddha Dhamma and science. Academic papers covered topics such as mental well-being, Dhamma education in schools, Jataka Tales, and the transformation of Cambodian society post-Khmer Rouge.

Supadcha Srisook, a PhD research scholar from Thailand, discussed a project by the Ministry of Education in Thailand that connects parents, religion, and teachers to cultivate students’ quality of life. Ven Morm Savonn, a PhD Research Scholar from Cambodia, highlighted Buddhism’s significant contribution to Cambodia’s societal well-being and the revival of religion post-Khmer Rouge.

The conference aimed to create a platform for young researchers to share insights, engage in scholarly pursuits, and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist Studies. It emphasized the transformative potential of integrating Buddha Dhamma principles into contemporary challenges to enhance the quality of life.

Doubts Revealed

Buddha Dhamma -: Buddha Dhamma refers to the teachings of Buddha, which include principles like kindness, compassion, and wisdom.

New Delhi -: New Delhi is the capital city of India, where many important events and conferences take place.

Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi -: Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi is a scholar who spoke at the conference about using compassion and peace to fight against religious extremism.

International Conference for Young Buddhist Scholars -: This is a meeting where young people who study Buddhism come together to share their ideas and research.

International Buddhist Confederation -: The International Buddhist Confederation is a group that works to promote and support Buddhist teachings and activities around the world.

Ministry of Culture -: The Ministry of Culture is a part of the Indian government that helps support and promote cultural events and heritage.

religious fundamentalism -: Religious fundamentalism is when people believe very strongly in their religion and sometimes act in extreme ways because of it.

compassion -: Compassion means feeling kindness and wanting to help others who are suffering.

mental well-being -: Mental well-being is about feeling good in your mind and emotions, not just your body.

societal transformation -: Societal transformation means making big changes in society to improve how people live and interact with each other.
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