Yehuda Meshulam Recounts Terrifying Tel Aviv Bombing Near Rashbi Synagogue

Yehuda Meshulam Recounts Terrifying Tel Aviv Bombing Near Rashbi Synagogue

Yehuda Meshulam Recounts Terrifying Tel Aviv Bombing Near Rashbi Synagogue

In Tel Aviv, on August 19, a bombing near the Rashbi Synagogue left worshippers in shock. Yehuda Meshulam, a local resident, shared his experience of the incident. He said, “We prayed here yesterday at eight the evening prayer. In the middle of the prayer there was a horrific explosion, all the windows were shattered. We all panicked and immediately went outside — we only saw smoke, a truck on fire and, the smell of burning. People didn’t understand what was happening.”

As people realized a bomb had detonated, somebody called the police. Initially, it was assumed to be a criminal incident, but an hour later, a police officer informed Meshulam that it was likely terror-related. Meshulam noted, “There was a big miracle here 10 meters from the synagogue. The terrorist walked tens of meters, you see him on the cameras passing by shops and nothing happens. Ten meters from the synagogue, he blows himself up. Hashgacha pratit [divine intervention]. Miracle is the word everyone says.”

Doubts Revealed

Yehuda Meshulam -: Yehuda Meshulam is a person who lives in Tel Aviv and experienced the bombing near the Rashbi Synagogue.

Tel Aviv -: Tel Aviv is a big city in Israel, which is a country in the Middle East.

Bombing -: A bombing is when someone uses a bomb to cause an explosion, which can be very dangerous and scary.

Rashbi Synagogue -: A synagogue is a place where Jewish people go to pray. Rashbi Synagogue is the name of one such place in Tel Aviv.

Evening prayers -: Evening prayers are special times when people pray in the evening, often as part of their religious practices.

Criminal act -: A criminal act is something bad or illegal that someone does, like stealing or hurting others.

Police -: Police are people who help keep everyone safe and make sure that laws are followed.

Terror attack -: A terror attack is when someone tries to hurt or scare many people on purpose, often for political reasons.

Miraculous -: Miraculous means something very amazing and surprising, almost like a miracle.

Casualties -: Casualties are people who get hurt or die in an accident or attack.

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