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Varanasi Boatmen Struggle as Ganga Boating Ban Continues

Varanasi Boatmen Struggle as Ganga Boating Ban Continues

Varanasi Boatmen Struggle as Ganga Boating Ban Continues

The boatmen community in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, is facing a severe livelihood crisis due to a prolonged ban on boating operations in the Ganga River. Despite the receding water levels, the ban remains in place, causing financial hardships for families dependent on boating.

Impact on Local Boatmen

A local boatman, Ashok Kumar, shared his struggles, stating, “It has been more than two and a half months since the ban on boating operations due to the high water levels. Boats are my only livelihood, and I have run out of money. I am facing problems in providing for my family and paying school fees for my children.”

Another local, Shivanine Sahani, mentioned that despite media attention, they have not received any support. He said, “There are a lot of problems because of the stopping of boating operations. For a long time, a lot of media people have come, but till now we haven’t gotten any support.”

Request to the Government

Both boatmen have urged the government to lift the ban on boating operations. Ashok Kumar requested, “We want the government to start our boating operations again, so that we can live peacefully, earn, and eat some food.” Shivanine Sahani added, “We want the government to understand that our livelihood has been closed down, so to make sure that our family doesn’t starve.”

Sanitation Issues

The gradual decline in the water levels has led to the accumulation of mud, dirt, and silt on the ghats. Cleaning efforts are underway, but the slow decline is hindering proper sanitation.

Doubts Revealed

Varanasi -: Varanasi is a city in India, known for its temples and the Ganga River. It is a very old and holy city for Hindus.

Ganga -: The Ganga, also known as the Ganges, is a very important and sacred river in India. Many people believe it is holy and use its water for religious rituals.

Boating Ban -: A boating ban means that people are not allowed to use boats on the river. This can happen for safety or environmental reasons.

Livelihood Crisis -: A livelihood crisis means that people are having a hard time making money to live. In this case, the boatmen can’t earn money because they can’t use their boats.

Receding Water Levels -: Receding water levels mean that the water in the river is going down. This can happen due to less rain or other environmental changes.

Sanitation Issues -: Sanitation issues mean problems with cleanliness and hygiene. When water levels go down, it can make it harder to keep places clean.

Ghats -: Ghats are steps leading down to a river, especially in India. People use them for bathing, washing clothes, and religious ceremonies.
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