Uyghur Americans Face Threats from China: Elfidar Iltebir Speaks Out

Uyghur Americans Face Threats from China: Elfidar Iltebir Speaks Out

Uyghur Americans Face Threats from China: Elfidar Iltebir Speaks Out

Exiled Uyghur individuals living in the US are reporting an increase in threats from the Chinese government. These threats are aimed at silencing them by endangering their relatives who still live in East Turkistan.

Elfidar Iltebir’s Experience

Elfidar Iltebir, president of the Uyghur American Association (UAA), shared her experiences of being targeted online by Chinese trolls. They registered for a webinar using fake emails and posted her home address, saying, ‘We are watching you.’ This harassment has led her to increase her home’s security.

Impact on Uyghur Americans

Iltebir noted that almost every Uyghur American has a family member detained in East Turkistan. This has caused many to step back from activism due to fear for their families’ safety. Some supporters now prefer to help behind the scenes, afraid to be seen publicly.

Chinese Government’s Tactics

Chinese agents send messages through Uyghur relatives back home, instructing them not to attend political or cultural events, join organizations, or even dictate who to invite to weddings. This has created a climate of fear within the Uyghur American community.

FBI’s Response

The FBI is aware of these threats and has been working to raise awareness and provide resources to help targeted communities recognize and combat these repressive tactics. They offer resources in 60 languages, including Uyghur.

Global Condemnation

The US, the UN, the European Parliament, and global human rights organizations have condemned China’s policies in East Turkistan, accusing Beijing of committing mass genocide and crimes against humanity.

Doubts Revealed

Uyghur -: Uyghurs are a group of people who mostly live in a region called East Turkistan, which is in China. They have their own language and culture.

Exiled -: Exiled means that someone has been forced to leave their home country and live somewhere else. In this case, Uyghur people have left China and are living in the US.

East Turkistan -: East Turkistan is a region in China where many Uyghur people live. It is also known as Xinjiang.

Elfidar Iltebir -: Elfidar Iltebir is the president of the Uyghur American Association. She speaks out about the problems Uyghur people face.

Uyghur American Association -: The Uyghur American Association is a group that helps Uyghur people living in the US and raises awareness about their issues.

FBI -: The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is a part of the US government that deals with crimes and threats to safety.

Genocide -: Genocide is when a large group of people is killed or harmed because of their race, religion, or nationality. It is a very serious crime.

Crimes against humanity -: Crimes against humanity are very bad actions, like killing or hurting many people, that are done on purpose. These actions are illegal and wrong.

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