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US Imposes Sanctions on Groups and Individuals Fueling Violence in the West Bank

US Imposes Sanctions on Groups and Individuals Fueling Violence in the West Bank

US Imposes Sanctions on Groups and Individuals Fueling Violence in the West Bank

The United States has intensified its efforts to address violence and instability in the West Bank by announcing new sanctions. The US State Department stated that these actions target those who engage in or support violent activities against civilians.

Condemnation of Violence

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller condemned the rise in extremist settler violence, highlighting its impact on human suffering and regional stability. He urged the Israeli government to hold accountable those responsible for such violence.

Sanctioned Entities and Individuals

The Department imposed sanctions on Hashomer Yosh, an Israeli NGO, and individuals Yinon Levi, Neriya Ben Pazi, and Zvi Bar Yosef. Hashomer Yosh volunteers fenced off the village of Khirbet Zanuta, preventing displaced Palestinian residents from returning.

Additionally, Yitzhak Levi Filant, the civilian security coordinator of the Yitzhar settlement, was sanctioned for leading armed settlers in violent activities against Palestinians.


The West Bank, occupied by Israel since 1967, has experienced increased violence, especially since the war on Gaza in October. The region is home to about 3 million Palestinians and over 500,000 Israeli settlers.

Doubts Revealed

Sanctions -: Sanctions are penalties or restrictions put by one country on another country or group to make them change their behavior. It can include stopping trade or freezing assets.

West Bank -: The West Bank is a region in the Middle East. It is a landlocked territory near the Mediterranean coast of Western Asia, bordered by Jordan and Israel.

US State Department -: The US State Department is a part of the United States government that deals with the country’s foreign affairs and relationships with other countries.

Extremist settler violence -: This refers to violent actions taken by some people who move into an area and use force against the local population. In this case, it involves some Israeli settlers in the West Bank.

NGO -: NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. These are groups that work independently from the government to address social, political, or environmental issues.

Hashomer Yosh -: Hashomer Yosh is an Israeli NGO that has been accused of supporting violent activities in the West Bank.

Individuals -: In this context, individuals refer to specific people who have been identified as contributing to the violence. Their names are Yinon Levi, Neriya Ben Pazi, Zvi Bar Yosef, and Yitzhak Levi Filant.

Displacing Palestinian residents -: This means forcing Palestinian people to leave their homes and land, often through violent or coercive means.
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