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US Embassy Launches Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee in India to Promote Gender Equality

US Embassy Launches Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee in India to Promote Gender Equality

US Embassy Launches Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee in India to Promote Gender Equality

The US Embassy and Consulates in India are introducing the Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee program, a sports initiative aimed at advancing gender equity and leadership development through the mixed-gender sport of ultimate frisbee.

Program Details

The program will take place in Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, and Chennai from August 19 to 24, and in Mumbai from August 26 to 31. Over the course of a year, 100 female coaches from both urban and rural communities will be trained.

Goals and Objectives

The initiative aims to increase the representation of women in leadership roles by equipping young women with essential leadership skills. The program will start with coach development workshops and gender-equitable coaching sessions at educational institutions and sports complexes.

Following these in-person camps, the coaches will receive ongoing support through virtual leaders-in-training sessions throughout the year. This combination of in-person and virtual training will enable the coaches to lead ultimate frisbee sessions in their communities, fostering leadership and enhancing confidence among girls by promoting inclusion through this mixed-gender sport.

Expected Outcomes

The program aims to achieve a 40% increase in participating coaches serving in leadership roles and for 30% of program alumni to actively contribute to gender equality initiatives. Additionally, male-allyship workshops will be included to promote supportive environments for gender equality in sports and help foster a culture of inclusion on and off the court.

Doubts Revealed

US Embassy -: The US Embassy is the official office of the United States in another country. It helps with things like visas and supports American citizens abroad.

Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee -: Gamechangers Ultimate Frisbee is a special program using the sport of Ultimate Frisbee to teach important lessons like teamwork and gender equality.

Gender Equality -: Gender equality means treating everyone the same, no matter if they are a boy or a girl. It’s about giving everyone the same chances and respect.

Consulates -: Consulates are smaller offices of a country in another country, like mini-embassies. They help with local issues and support citizens from their home country.

Leadership Development -: Leadership development means teaching people how to be good leaders. This includes skills like making decisions, helping others, and being confident.

Urban and Rural Areas -: Urban areas are big cities with lots of people and buildings. Rural areas are the countryside with fewer people and more open space.

Workshops -: Workshops are special classes where people learn new skills by doing activities and practicing.

Virtual Sessions -: Virtual sessions are meetings or classes held online using the internet, so people can join from anywhere.
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