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US Ambassador Eric Garcetti and Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Allison Lead First US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue in New Delhi

US Ambassador Eric Garcetti and Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Allison Lead First US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue in New Delhi

US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue: A New Era in Cancer Research

New Delhi Hosts Groundbreaking Event

The first-ever US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue was held in New Delhi on August 5 and 6, focusing on cancer research and strengthening US-India biomedical cooperation. The event took place at the National Institute of Immunology.

Key Figures and Participants

US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, and Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Allison presented a lecture titled ‘Beyond Checkpoint Inhibition’. The dialogue included senior officials from the US and Indian governments, private sector leaders, NGOs, and young researchers.

Statements from Leaders

US Ambassador Garcetti emphasized the strong bond between the US and India, stating, “This exchange embodies the strength of the bond between our two great nations, built on a foundation of shared values, mutual respect, and a common vision for a healthier future.”

Rajesh Gokhale, Secretary of the Department of Biotechnology, highlighted the commitment to innovative cancer treatments, saying, “The India-U.S. Cancer Moonshot Dialogue is a testament to our commitment to revolutionize cancer cure, leveraging biotechnology advancements for a cancer-free tomorrow.”

Dr. Rajiv Bahl, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Health Research, noted the importance of collaboration, stating, “The two-day scientific deliberation was very fruitful and will foster collaboration between people, organizations, and between public and private entities to identify potential areas of mutual interest between the two countries in cancer research and management.”

Future Goals

The dialogue aims to accelerate cooperation in AI-enabled cancer care, novel therapeutics, cancer genomics, and clinical trials. This initiative follows commitments made by US President Biden and Indian Prime Minister Modi in June 2023 to strengthen the health partnership between the two nations.

Impact on India

Non-communicable diseases, including cancer, account for about 63% of all deaths in India. Cancer cases are expected to rise by nearly 13% by 2025 compared to 2020. The US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue seeks to address these challenges through innovative research and collaboration.

Doubts Revealed

US Ambassador -: A US Ambassador is a person who represents the United States in another country. In this case, Eric Garcetti is the US Ambassador to India.

Eric Garcetti -: Eric Garcetti is a person who works for the US government and is currently the US Ambassador to India. He helps build good relationships between the US and India.

Nobel Laureate -: A Nobel Laureate is someone who has won a Nobel Prize, which is a very special award given for great achievements in areas like peace, science, and literature. Dr. Jim Allison is a Nobel Laureate in medicine.

Dr. Jim Allison -: Dr. Jim Allison is a scientist who won the Nobel Prize for his work in medicine, especially in cancer research. He is helping lead the Cancer Moonshot Dialogue.

Cancer Moonshot -: Cancer Moonshot is a big project started by the US to find better ways to treat and cure cancer. It aims to make a lot of progress in cancer research quickly.

Dialogue -: A dialogue is a conversation or discussion between people. In this case, it is a meeting between US and Indian experts to talk about cancer research.

New Delhi -: New Delhi is the capital city of India. It is where the first US-India Cancer Moonshot Dialogue took place.

NGOs -: NGOs are Non-Governmental Organizations. They are groups that work to help people and solve problems but are not part of the government.

AI-enabled cancer care -: AI-enabled cancer care uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help doctors find and treat cancer more effectively. AI can analyze lots of data quickly to help make better decisions.

Novel therapeutics -: Novel therapeutics are new and innovative treatments for diseases like cancer. These are new ways to help people get better.

Cancer genomics -: Cancer genomics is the study of the genes and DNA changes that cause cancer. Understanding this helps scientists find better treatments.
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