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US Airstrikes in Syria: 37 Terrorists, Including ISIS Leaders, Killed

US Airstrikes in Syria: 37 Terrorists, Including ISIS Leaders, Killed

US Airstrikes in Syria: 37 Terrorists, Including ISIS Leaders, Killed

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) conducted precision airstrikes in Syria on Sunday, resulting in the deaths of 37 terrorist operatives. Among those killed were high-ranking leaders from ISIS and Hurras al-Din, an Al Qaeda affiliate.

In a statement, CENTCOM said, “CENTCOM Forces conducted two targeted strikes in Syria, killing 37 terrorist operatives, including multiple senior leaders of the terrorist organisations of ISIS and Hurras al-Din.”

The airstrikes are part of CENTCOM’s ongoing commitment to disrupt and degrade terrorist efforts to plan and conduct attacks against civilians and military personnel from the US, its allies, and partners in the region and beyond.

Earlier, on September 24, CENTCOM conducted a targeted strike in northwest Syria, killing nine terrorist operatives, including Marwan Bassam ‘Abd-al-Ra’uf, a senior Hurras al-Din leader responsible for overseeing military operations from Syria. This successful strike followed another in August that killed another senior Hurras al-Din leader, Abu-‘Abd al-Rahman al Makki.

Additionally, on September 16, CENTCOM forces conducted a large-scale airstrike on an ISIS training camp in central Syria, killing at least 28 ISIS operatives, including four senior leaders.

Gen Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of US Central Command, stated, “These strikes against leadership and operatives of ISIS and the Al Qaeda affiliate, Hurras al-Din, represent CENTCOM’s commitment to the enduring defeat of terrorist organisations in the CENTCOM area of responsibility and our support to regional stability.”

CENTCOM confirmed that the strikes in Syria resulted in no civilian casualties.

Doubts Revealed

US Airstrikes -: Airstrikes are attacks by military aircraft where bombs or missiles are dropped on targets. The US, or United States, conducted these attacks in Syria.

Syria -: Syria is a country in the Middle East, which is a region that includes countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Terrorists -: Terrorists are people who use violence and threats to create fear, usually for political reasons.

ISIS -: ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is a terrorist group that wants to create its own country based on strict religious laws.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) -: CENTCOM is a part of the US military that oversees operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, including countries like Syria and Afghanistan.

Precision airstrikes -: Precision airstrikes are very accurate attacks aimed at specific targets to minimize damage to surrounding areas and people.

Hurras al-Din -: Hurras al-Din is a group linked to Al Qaeda, another terrorist organization. They also want to create a state based on their strict interpretation of religion.

Al Qaeda -: Al Qaeda is a global terrorist group that was responsible for the 9/11 attacks in the US. They want to spread their strict religious beliefs through violence.

Civilian casualties -: Civilian casualties refer to non-military people getting hurt or killed during military operations. In this case, CENTCOM said no civilians were harmed.
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