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Union Minister Jitendra Singh Highlights Major Budget Benefits for Tamil Nadu

Union Minister Jitendra Singh Highlights Major Budget Benefits for Tamil Nadu

Union Minister Jitendra Singh Highlights Major Budget Benefits for Tamil Nadu

Union Minister Jitendra Singh unveiled key provisions of the Union Budget 2024-25, emphasizing significant benefits for Tamil Nadu. The budget aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for a developed India by 2047.

Railway Budget

Tamil Nadu received Rs 6,362 crores for railway projects, including six Vande Bharat trains and the development of 77 model Amrit Rail stations. This allocation marks an eightfold increase from the previous UPA era.

Blue Economy

The budget supports the Blue Economy, focusing on the Fisheries sector and the Deep Sea Mission, leveraging Tamil Nadu’s extensive coastline for economic growth.

Government Policies

The declaration emphasized the need for inclusive economic growth, formal job creation, and decent work. It urged governments to implement policies for job formalization, adequate wage floors, social protection, and social dialogue.

Response to Allegations

Responding to allegations of neglect, Singh clarified that Tamil Nadu received its due share and criticized the state government for not utilizing the opportunities provided. He highlighted the equitable distribution of resources under PM Modi’s leadership.

Doubts Revealed

Union Minister -: A Union Minister is a person who is in charge of a specific department in the central government of India. They help make important decisions for the country.

Jitendra Singh -: Jitendra Singh is a politician in India who works as a Union Minister. He helps manage different projects and policies for the country.

Union Budget -: The Union Budget is a plan made by the central government of India that shows how money will be spent and earned in the coming year.

Tamil Nadu -: Tamil Nadu is a state in the southern part of India. It has many cities, towns, and villages where people live and work.

Rs 6,362 crores -: Rs 6,362 crores is a large amount of money. In India, ‘crore’ is a term used to represent ten million, so this amount is 6,362 times ten million rupees.

railway projects -: Railway projects are plans to build or improve train tracks, stations, and services. This helps people travel more easily by train.

Vande Bharat trains -: Vande Bharat trains are special, fast trains in India. They are designed to be comfortable and quick for passengers.

Amrit Rail stations -: Amrit Rail stations are model railway stations that are being upgraded to provide better facilities and services to passengers.

Blue Economy -: The Blue Economy is about using the ocean and its resources in a way that is good for the environment and helps people make a living, especially in fishing and sea-related activities.

Fisheries sector -: The Fisheries sector involves catching, processing, and selling fish and other sea creatures. It is important for food and jobs.

Deep Sea Mission -: The Deep Sea Mission is a project to explore and use resources from the deep parts of the ocean. It helps in finding new things and understanding the sea better.

allegations of neglect -: Allegations of neglect mean that some people are saying the government is not paying enough attention or giving enough help to a certain area or group.

state government -: The state government is the group of people who make decisions and manage things in a specific state, like Tamil Nadu, within India.
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