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Union Minister Giriraj Singh Calls for Law to Help Poor Muslim Women and Pasmanda in Waqf Board

Union Minister Giriraj Singh Calls for Law to Help Poor Muslim Women and Pasmanda in Waqf Board

Union Minister Giriraj Singh Calls for Law to Help Poor Muslim Women and Pasmanda in Waqf Board

Union Minister Giriraj Singh has called for a new law to ensure representation for poor Muslim women and Pasmanda communities in the Waqf Board. He condemned the misuse of waqf properties and highlighted ongoing efforts by the Joint Parliamentary Committee to reform the Waqf Act.

The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, aims to introduce digitisation, stricter audits, and better legal recourse for encroachments. The committee is gathering input from various stakeholders and will submit its report to the Lok Sabha by the next parliament session.

Doubts Revealed

Union Minister -: A Union Minister is a person who helps run the country by being in charge of a specific area, like education or health. Giriraj Singh is one such minister in India.

Giriraj Singh -: Giriraj Singh is a politician in India who works as a Union Minister. He helps make important decisions for the country.

Law -: A law is a rule made by the government that everyone must follow. It helps keep things fair and safe for people.

Poor Muslim Women -: These are women who follow the Muslim religion and do not have much money or resources.

Pasmanda -: Pasmanda refers to the socially and economically backward communities among Muslims in India.

Waqf Board -: The Waqf Board is a group that manages properties and money given for religious or charitable purposes in the Muslim community.

Misuse of waqf properties -: This means using the properties meant for helping people in the wrong way, like for personal gain instead of charity.

Joint Parliamentary Committee -: This is a group of people from the parliament who come together to study and suggest changes to laws.

Waqf Act -: The Waqf Act is a law that governs how waqf properties are managed and used in India.

Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024 -: This is a proposed change to the Waqf Act to make it better, like adding new rules for managing properties.

Digitisation -: Digitisation means converting information into a digital format, like using computers to keep records instead of paper.

Stricter audits -: This means checking the records and accounts more carefully to make sure everything is correct and honest.

Legal recourse for encroachments -: This means having legal ways to deal with people who take over waqf properties without permission.

Stakeholders -: Stakeholders are people or groups who have an interest in something, like how waqf properties are managed.

Lok Sabha -: The Lok Sabha is one part of India’s parliament where elected representatives make and change laws.

Parliament session -: A parliament session is a period when the members of parliament meet to discuss and make decisions on laws and policies.
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