Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw Highlights India’s Semiconductor Progress at SEMICON India Summit

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw Highlights India’s Semiconductor Progress at SEMICON India Summit

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw Highlights India’s Semiconductor Progress at SEMICON India Summit

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw showcased significant progress made by India in the semiconductor sector at the SEMICON India summit held at the India Expo Mart in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

Approval of Semiconductor Units

Vaishnaw announced that five semiconductor units have been approved, with construction rapidly progressing in the micron unit and the Morigaon Tata unit. Construction for the other three units will start soon.

Talent Development

Emphasizing the government’s focus on talent development, Vaishnaw revealed plans to build a robust talent pool of 85,000 engineers and technicians over the next 10 years. He mentioned that 113 universities, academic institutions, and R&D organizations have been tied up to offer semiconductor-focused courses designed by industry participants.

Lam Research Semiverse Programme

Vaishnaw highlighted the success of the Lam Research Semiverse programme, which is running across 74 universities and has already trained 2,600 students this year. The programme is set to expand significantly in the coming years.

AMB and Applied Materials

AMB has inaugurated its first global design centre in Bengaluru, employing around 5,000 engineers, with plans for further expansion. Additionally, Applied Materials has commissioned its first India validation centre.

Design Ecosystem

Vaishnaw noted that over 300,000 engineers are working in the design ecosystem for various companies, with about 52,000 working on advanced and complex chips. He mentioned that 13 design ecosystem partners have received financial assistance, with some attracting venture capital interest.

Broader Impact

Vaishnaw emphasized the broader impact of establishing semiconductor units, which will drive growth in industries such as automobile, medical, industrial, transport, and consumer electronics. He also highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to democratize access to technology through various initiatives.

Doubts Revealed

Union Minister -: A Union Minister is a person who is in charge of a specific department in the government of India. They help make important decisions for the country.

Ashwini Vaishnaw -: Ashwini Vaishnaw is a politician in India who works as a Union Minister. He is responsible for important areas like technology and railways.

Semiconductor -: A semiconductor is a special material used to make electronic devices like computers and smartphones work. It helps control electricity.

SEMICON India Summit -: The SEMICON India Summit is a big meeting where people talk about the latest developments in semiconductor technology in India.

Talent pool -: A talent pool is a group of skilled people who are ready to work in a specific field. In this case, it means 85,000 engineers and technicians who can work with semiconductors.

Lam Research Semiverse programme -: The Lam Research Semiverse programme is a special training program by a company called Lam Research. It helps people learn about semiconductors and how to work with them.

AMB’s global design centre -: AMB’s global design centre is a new place in Bengaluru where people will design and create new semiconductor technologies. AMB is a company that works with semiconductors.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi -: Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India. He is the leader of the country and makes important decisions for the nation.

Democratize technology access -: To democratize technology access means to make sure that everyone, no matter where they live or how much money they have, can use and benefit from technology.

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