UN Extends Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon Until 2025 Amid Rising Tensions

UN Extends Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon Until 2025 Amid Rising Tensions

UN Extends Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon Until 2025 Amid Rising Tensions

The UN Security Council has extended the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) until August 31, 2025. This decision aims to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the Middle East.

Resolution 2749 (2024)

The Council unanimously adopted resolution 2749 (2024), emphasizing the need for the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). The resolution calls for immediate measures to de-escalate tensions, restore calm, and ensure stability across the Blue Line.

Role of the Secretary-General

The Council encouraged Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to ensure that UNIFIL remains adaptable to support de-escalation efforts. The Secretary-General is also requested to continue reporting on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) every four months.

Statements from France and the United States

Before the vote, France’s representative highlighted the tensions along the Blue Line and the risk of open warfare, urging Iran and its supported groups to refrain from attacks. France proposed a 12-month renewal of UNIFIL’s mandate.

After the vote, the US representative condemned Hizbullah’s attacks on northern Israel, which have been ongoing for 11 months. He stressed that Lebanon should not be a haven for terrorist organizations or a launchpad for attacks against Israel. The US and the UK representatives pointed out that Iran provides Hizbullah with advanced weaponry, supporting the extension of UNIFIL’s mandate to aid regional de-escalation.

Doubts Revealed

UN -: The UN stands for the United Nations. It is an international organization that works to maintain peace and security around the world.

Peacekeeping Mission -: A peacekeeping mission is when the UN sends soldiers and police to help countries that are having conflicts to keep peace and protect people.

Lebanon -: Lebanon is a country in the Middle East, which is a region that includes countries like Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Iran.

UN Security Council -: The UN Security Council is a group of 15 countries that make important decisions about peace and security in the world.

Mandate -: A mandate is an official order or permission to do something. In this case, it means the UN has permission to keep its peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) -: UNIFIL is a group of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon. They help keep peace between different groups in the country.

Resolution 1701 (2006) -: Resolution 1701 is a decision made by the UN in 2006 to help stop fighting between Israel and Hizbullah in Lebanon.

De-escalate -: To de-escalate means to make a situation less tense or dangerous.

France -: France is a country in Europe that is part of the UN Security Council and helps make decisions about world peace.

US -: The US stands for the United States of America, a country in North America that is also part of the UN Security Council.

Open warfare -: Open warfare means fighting between countries or groups that is out in the open and not hidden.

Iran -: Iran is a country in the Middle East that is involved in many regional issues and conflicts.

Hizbullah -: Hizbullah is a group in Lebanon that has its own army and is involved in the country’s politics and conflicts.

Regional de-escalation -: Regional de-escalation means making the whole area, like the Middle East, less tense and more peaceful.

Stability -: Stability means that things are steady and not likely to change suddenly, which is important for peace.

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