UAE Leads 114th Arab Economic and Social Council Meeting in Cairo

UAE Leads 114th Arab Economic and Social Council Meeting in Cairo

UAE Leads 114th Arab Economic and Social Council Meeting in Cairo

The United Arab Emirates chaired the 114th session of the Arab Economic and Social Council (AESC) at the League of Arab States’ headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. The meeting was led by Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, UAE’s Minister of Economy.

Focus on Cooperation

The Council’s discussions centered on enhancing joint Arab cooperation in economic and social areas. Strategies for implementing executive decisions from previous sessions were reviewed, considering current regional and international developments.

Gratitude and Acknowledgements

At the beginning of his speech, Bin Touq thanked Yousef Alshamali, Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan, for his efforts during Jordan’s presidency of the previous session. He also expressed gratitude to Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, for organizing the current session.

Importance of AESC

Bin Touq highlighted that AESC is a key platform for discussing and coordinating joint efforts to create new economic and development opportunities. He emphasized that the Council’s meetings are crucial for advancing development efforts among member states, contributing to Arab economic and social integration.

Doubts Revealed

UAE -: UAE stands for the United Arab Emirates. It is a country in the Middle East made up of seven smaller regions called emirates.

114th session -: The 114th session means it is the 114th time this meeting has happened. It shows that these meetings have been happening for a long time.

Arab Economic and Social Council -: This is a group of countries from the Arab world that meet to talk about how they can work together to improve their economies and societies.

Cairo -: Cairo is the capital city of Egypt, a country in North Africa.

Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri -: He is the Minister of Economy for the United Arab Emirates. A minister is a high-ranking government official.

economic and social areas -: Economic areas are about money, jobs, and businesses. Social areas are about people’s lives, like education and health.

strategies -: Strategies are plans or methods to achieve a goal. In this case, they are plans to improve cooperation and development.

regional and international developments -: These are changes or events happening in nearby countries (regional) and around the world (international).

sustainability -: Sustainability means using resources in a way that does not harm the environment and can be continued for a long time.

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