UAE Helps Ukraine with $105 Million, Food, and Prisoner Exchanges

UAE Helps Ukraine with $105 Million, Food, and Prisoner Exchanges

UAE Helps Ukraine with $105 Million, Food, and Prisoner Exchanges

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is providing significant assistance to Ukraine during its ongoing conflict with Russia. The UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a financial contribution of $105 million to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

Prisoner Exchanges

The UAE has successfully mediated seven prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine, resulting in the release of 1,788 captives. The most recent exchange in August 2024 freed 230 individuals.

Humanitarian Aid

The UAE has deployed 14 aid planes and two ships carrying relief supplies to Ukraine. These shipments included 1,015 tonnes of food and relief supplies, 7,500 laptops, and 10,000 school bags to support education. Additionally, 4,520 electric generators were sent to help with winter conditions and power outages, along with 50 fully-equipped ambulances for the health sector.

Support for Refugees

The UAE has also dispatched humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, Poland, and Bulgaria. Coordination with the International Humanitarian City in Dubai facilitated the delivery of 125 tonnes of food and medical relief using two planes supplied by international organizations based in the UAE.

Doubts Revealed

UAE -: UAE stands for the United Arab Emirates, a country in the Middle East known for its rich oil reserves and modern cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

$105 Million -: $105 million is a large amount of money, equivalent to about 870 crore rupees. It is being given to help Ukraine.

Ukraine -: Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe that is currently in conflict with Russia.

Russia -: Russia is the largest country in the world, located in both Europe and Asia. It is involved in a conflict with Ukraine.

Prisoner Exchanges -: Prisoner exchanges are when two countries swap people they have captured during a conflict.

1,788 captives -: 1,788 captives means 1,788 people who were held as prisoners have been released.

14 aid planes -: 14 aid planes are airplanes that carry supplies like food and medicine to help people in need.

Electric generators -: Electric generators are machines that produce electricity, which is very important when there is no power supply.

Ukrainian refugees -: Ukrainian refugees are people from Ukraine who have had to leave their homes because of the conflict and are now living in other countries.

Moldova, Poland, and Bulgaria -: Moldova, Poland, and Bulgaria are countries in Europe where some Ukrainian refugees have gone to find safety.

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