In New Delhi, two individuals were arrested following a firing incident in the Ranibagh area. The suspects, Bilal Ansari, 22, and Shuheb, 21, both from Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh, were apprehended by the police. The authorities recovered a semi-automatic pistol, a single-shot firearm, six live cartridges, and a stolen bike from their possession. The bike was reported stolen from Mohan Garden in September 2024.
A businessman from Sharda Niketan, Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura, reported that on October 26, two men on a motorcycle fired multiple rounds outside his residence. They left a note with the name of the "Kaushal Chaudhary - Pawan Shokeen - Bambhia Gang."
Acting on a tip-off, the South Western Range of Special Cell set a trap near Kakrola Drainage Road. At around 2:15 AM, the police spotted the suspects on a motorcycle. When signaled to stop, the suspects attempted to flee but fell off the bike. The police surrounded them, leading to an exchange of gunfire. One suspect was injured in the leg and both were arrested. They were taken to Deen Dayal Upadhaya Hospital for treatment.
During interrogation, the suspects confessed to their involvement in the Ranibagh firing incident. Fortunately, no police officers were injured, although one officer narrowly avoided being hit by a bullet.
New Delhi is the capital city of India. It is a big city where many important government buildings and offices are located.
A firing incident means that someone used a gun to shoot bullets. In this case, it happened outside a businessman's home.
A notorious gang is a group of people known for doing bad things, like crimes. They are famous for their illegal activities.
This is the name of a gang involved in criminal activities. They are known for doing bad things like stealing and using guns.
Pitampura is a neighborhood in New Delhi. It's a place where people live and work.
A gang-related note is a message left by the gang. It usually has information or warnings related to their activities.
A tip is information given to the police that helps them catch criminals. It can come from someone who knows about the crime.
Apprehended means that the police caught the suspects. It means they were arrested and taken into custody.
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