Tokyo Conference Highlights Africa’s Development Needs

Tokyo Conference Highlights Africa’s Development Needs

Tokyo Conference Highlights Africa’s Development Needs

The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Meeting took place on August 24-25, 2024. Participants discussed important issues like climate change, healthcare, education, agriculture, food security, nutrition, energy, and water, especially in African Union (AU) member states.

In the Joint Communique issued at the end of the two-day meeting, participants highlighted Africa’s efforts to mobilize innovative domestic resources and emphasized the need for collaboration to develop creative solutions. They also stressed the importance of strengthening disease prevention, supporting healthcare systems, improving access to quality education, and enhancing governance through digital transformation and capacity building.

The participants reaffirmed the need to reinforce the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and support AU-led peace support operations. They highlighted the urgency of mobilizing resources for investment in the acceleration of AU Agenda 2063 and the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting focused on enhancing trade and investment, with an emphasis on the critical role of the private sector in providing a fair and resilient business environment. Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa highlighted the significance of establishing a sustainable ecosystem for startups, creating a fair business environment, and enhancing the role of youth and women in economic transformation.

The meeting was attended by ministers and delegations from African Union member states and Japan, as well as representatives from TICAD co-organizers, including the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, and African Union Commission, alongside international and regional organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations from Japan and Africa.

Doubts Revealed

Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) -: TICAD is a big meeting where people from Japan and Africa come together to talk about how to help African countries grow and improve.

Ministerial Meeting -: A Ministerial Meeting is a gathering where important government leaders, like ministers, discuss and make decisions on important topics.

African Union -: The African Union is a group of countries in Africa that work together to solve problems and help each other grow.

Joint Communique -: A Joint Communique is a statement that everyone at the meeting agrees on, saying what they talked about and what they plan to do.

resource mobilization -: Resource mobilization means finding and using money, people, and other things needed to do important work.

digital transformation -: Digital transformation is using new technology, like computers and the internet, to make things work better and faster.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa -: Yoko Kamikawa is a leader in Japan who helps manage Japan’s relationships with other countries.

startups -: Startups are new companies that are just beginning and often have new ideas or products.

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