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Tibetan Leaders Condemn Chinese Boarding Schools in Tibet

Tibetan Leaders Condemn Chinese Boarding Schools in Tibet

Tibetan Leaders Condemn Chinese Boarding Schools in Tibet

In Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, members of the Tibetan parliament in-exile and ministers of the Tibetan government in-exile have strongly condemned the Chinese colonial boarding schools in Tibet. They have expressed deep concern and called on the international community to pressure China over this issue.

Concerns Over Forced Assimilation

Dorjee Tseten, a Tibetan MP in-exile, stated, “We have been receiving very critical information where Tibetan traditional monasteries and schools have been shut down, and children are forcefully put in these colonial boarding schools where they are treated in a very inhuman way and students try to run away. This is part of China’s policy to assimilate Tibetan culture and identity into the larger Chinese society.”

Threat to Tibetan Identity

Thubten Wangchen, another Tibetan parliamentarian, said, “The Chinese government is trying to diminish the language, political view, and Tibetan identity. They claim Tibet has always been part of China, which we reject. Our culture, identity, and Buddhist philosophy are also present outside Tibet because of His Holiness’ message of peace and non-violence.”

Cultural Genocide

Dolma Gyari, the Security Minister of the Tibetan government in-exile, described the situation as cultural genocide. She said, “The Chinese government is committing genocide policies to eliminate the Tibetan race, identity, and culture. Children as young as four are being forcefully separated from their families and culture. It is crucial for us to voice for justice, freedom, and human rights.”

Doubts Revealed

Tibetan parliamentarians -: These are people who make laws for Tibet, but they live outside Tibet because they had to leave their home due to problems with China.

ministers in-exile -: These are leaders of Tibet who had to leave their country and now live in other countries, but they still work to help their people.

Chinese colonial boarding schools -: These are schools set up by China in Tibet where Tibetan children are made to live and study, often far from their families.

forced assimilation -: This means making someone adopt a different culture or way of life against their will. In this case, it means making Tibetan children adopt Chinese culture.

Tibetan identity -: This refers to the unique culture, language, and traditions of the Tibetan people.

cultural genocide -: This means trying to destroy the culture of a group of people. Here, it means trying to erase Tibetan culture.

global support -: This means help from countries and people all around the world.

human rights -: These are basic rights and freedoms that every person should have, like the right to speak freely and live safely.
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